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All Content by WhoniverseNurse

  1. NP or MD/DO????

    The whole DNP (Doctorate of Nursing Practice) requirement for NP's is not a requirement. The ANA was hoping to make it such, but due to a large NP and RN shortage, as well as a shortage of APRN's qualified to teach at that level, it is now simply a r...
  2. 14 year old boy wants to become a nurse(my story)

    Boom! Good for you! We need more Murses (Male nurses). I do work in a rural ER. They do like guys... mostly for the crazed combative people. Psych also love guys too! Actually, really any field in nursing loves to see at least a few male nurses. I've...
  3. How happy are you as a rural nurse

    Love it! But can't vote... poll is closed.
  4. Would a Critical Access Hospital be a Good Place for a New Grad?

    I've been a nurse for almost 2 years and now and work (as of this past October) in an ER of a critical access hospital (CAH). Best job. Ever. A little bit of this. A little bit of that. Stabilize and ship is indeed the name of the game. CAH's can do ...
  5. Beard as a male nurse?

    It all depends on your facility and nursing school. I personally have never had an issue with this. My university allowed men to grow facial hair while in the nursing program, and some of my classmates had pretty intense beards (though not quite as i...
  6. Fired and Devastated

    HANG IN THERE! IT WILL GET BETTER! I know from experience. A similar thing happened to me just out of school. I was a 22 year old new graduate from a (locally) prestigious private university with a BSN and "Cum Laude" honors. I applied at the local T...
  7. "TNCC" after "RN" and other letters of the day

    Yup. TNCC is just like ACLS, PALS, ENPC, etc. It is a training course, not an educational credential.
  8. Paramedics in ER

    Love having Paramedics in our ED. They can essentially do everything in the ED that they can do in the field with a couple somewhat annoying exceptions: they can't officially assess, only gather data; they can't initiate drips (except NS / LR); they ...
  9. Relationships with floor nurses?

    Knock on wood... from what I've seen at my hospital, ED and floor nurses get along pretty well. Sometimes the floor nurses will even come up to chat if they are slow, and visa versa (though that is very rare occurrence, indeed). I have had to give re...
  10. What's your dress code at work?

    Hunter Green for all RN's; Navy for LPN's; Gray for Techs, CNA's, EMT's, Paramedics; Maroon for Lab; Purple for Respiratory; Black for X-Ray. I don't mind, I guess. Eliminates the need to decide, "What am I going to where today?"
  11. IV forms of Zofran and Decadron given PO???

    I've done the IV decadron PO mixed with some apple juice. I looked at the PA a little funny, and then he explained it to me. Worked great! As far as the IV Zofran... we generally just use the ODT. Never heard of giving the IV Vanco PO, though, that's...
  12. TNCC exam

    I'm taking TNCC soon... maybe next month or the month after? Are there any tips or follow up to this post?
  13. What is your ER like.....need advice?

    New to an 11 bed Trauma IV rural Emergency / Urgent Care Department (2 beds we share with OR). I'm still on my orientation (about 5 months long, have 2 months to go). I really love it - all the experiences, the faster pace, the odd cases, the codes. ...