
jboogs49 ADN, BSN, RN

Critical Care

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About jboogs49

jboogs49 has 10 years experience as a ADN, BSN, RN and specializes in Critical Care.

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  1. Interesting enough the school that is 18k has the highest rank in the US world news deal, its Florida Atlantic University. Great reputation in the area just started a medical school as well. They...
  2. No Allnurses.com recommends Walden via school listings, ads and links (not 100% they are getting paid but they are eveywhere) . What its not a good program. Just joking. Walden is not one of my...
  3. So I'm narrowing down the schools I'm applying for NP school. I have 3 years working in a respiratory care unit (stable trachs, vents, livers, traumas, strokes no drips or pressors) like an IMCU....
  4. I'm curious on who everyone is talking to. You are debating the merits of NP programs and graduates with people on Allnurses. No one on here has any juice to make any of these things you are...
  5. I don't even know what you are trying to say my friend. So for APRNs to be able to legitimately state their outcomes are on par or better than docs they have to completely separate from the medical...
  6. I understand the frustration and the passion. We all want the nursing profession to continue to advance and the current conditions of NP education is not allowing this growth to happen. If nurses...
  7. Just when I thought I was out they pull me back in. Again my main point is if you want to make a change I don't know if being salty and shaming others will get you the results you are looking for. I...
  8. Not all heroes wear capes. You are my new favorite human. Stay
  9. Out of the only two choices you have in this situation you choose to continue being salty. You have chosen wisely. I will check back in a couple of years to note your level of saltines and how much...
  10. Well I would say be a little more realistic my good friend. I guess people will just keep on bring crappy nps by going to crappy schools because patient outcomes are crappy relative to doctors, oh...
  11. I am waiting for you to organize your Million Nurse March my friend to change this issue. I see apart of your strategy for this endeavor by shaming people on Allnurses rather than being positive and...
  12. Well it seems the market has created this situation (poorly designed NP programs). Nothing like this changes overnight, so the OP can wait until the collective nursing/healthcare community gets their...
  13. FAU FNP 2019

    I just started the application process. I went through a few of the forums from years prior for NP programs at FAU and it seems a some folks had issues with NursingCAS and their transcripts not being...
  14. Broward College Nursing May 2015

    For GIGU the final i don't know what campus you are at but at Central the subjects were [TABLE=width: 0] [TR] [TD]Urinary Tract Infections [/TD] [/TR] [TR] [TD]Pyelonephritis [/TD] [/TR] [TR]...
  15. Broward College Nursing May 2015

    Perry and Potter is a great book. There are hundreds if not thousands of great nursing books but ask most people they never open up Perry and Potter again after process I and II. I don't know if its...