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All Content by rugitis

  1. University of West Florida FNP

    Couldn't find it when searching on FB.
  2. University of West Florida FNP

    Same here, you should definitely start one since there are now more of us receiving our emails and letters of acceptance!
  3. University of West Florida FNP

    I think we should start a FB group.
  4. University of West Florida FNP

    Reached on the telephone and texting with my advisor. Does anyone know of earlier graduates from this program?
  5. University of West Florida FNP

    I got the call on Friday, just been on the road. Haven’t checked my UWF page, but was told on my voicemail to expect an email with the info.
  6. University of West Florida FNP

    But I also haven't found any information regarding previous nursing students experiences with the program, only regarding acceptance into the program.
  7. University of West Florida FNP

    Applied and just heard today via telephone call I was accepted. Has anyone else heard from UWF?
  8. FSCJ Fall 2014 hopefuls

    Has anyone been told a date for orientation or the first day of class? I asked the secretary when I turned my app in at the end of May and she said "normally" class begins the last week of August but she was still unclear of an orientation date. My S...