icu_rn88 BSN, RN


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About icu_rn88

icu_rn88 has 3 years experience as a BSN, RN and specializes in ICU/CCU.

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  1. Well, it's really hard to tell because you don't get any feedback when you're there. I was extremely nervous and at some point my brain just shut off. My heart was racing and I could actually feel my voice going out at some point. I really hope that...
  2. Well everyone, I will have my interview tomorrow (Monday), any last words of advice/encouragement? I'm really nervous, have been having crazy dreams like being at the interview and going mute or breaking into song. At this point, I would just like t...
  3. I would say apply first to anywhere you can and see if you get interviews. Then if you don't look for another job. As you can see from posts from other members the schools really look at a whole picture, grades and experience, plus GRE, CCRN and your...
  4. Hi babiiphatt, don't be discouraged at all! I started working at my ICU in July 2013 and got an interview. I know that getting an interview and getting accepted are way different but at least it's something and should give you some positive feedback....
  5. icu_rn88

    Best GRE book

    I found that the book published by ETS gives the most realistic questions in line with the actual test. McGraw Hill is way too easy, I didn't use the Kaplan book so I cannot say anything about it. However, I found that the ETS book's difficulty and c...
  6. Hello AA012, Nice to meet someone from the Philly area (I read some of your previous posts, thank you for your service). I actually did not have an official study book. I have access to CE Direct from my job to get CE credits. I used their Review sec...
  7. Hello Everyone, Just wanted to give a quick update I passed the CCRN and I just got an email for an interview at Drexel on June 2nd. The CCRN cert was not on my application so I will be bringing it to the interview. So thanks everyone for the positiv...
  8. icu_rn88

    GRE scores

    Hey Everyone, I just wanted to give a quick update that I got called in for an interview on June 2nd. Thanks for all the support.
  9. icu_rn88

    Is CRNA school as difficult as people said?

    Hello SRNA4U, I am a Drexel CRNA hopeful, graduated from Drexel with my BSN in 2012 and just applied for NA school to start January 2016. Can you tell me a little about your stats? I had a 3.3, 9 months LTAC ICU and have been in my current ICU/CCU...
  10. icu_rn88

    My journey to become a SRNA.

    Thank you so much for this post. It was exactly what I needed after my terrible nightshift. You post and answers my posts are really helpful and encouraging. I applied to Drexel on Sunday so now I'm just praying and waiting.
  11. icu_rn88

    GRE scores

    I'm in Philly and I'm applying to Drexel in March for the January 2016 start. This is my top choice because I graduated from Drexel with my BSN in 2012. It's too early to apply to other schools in my area because I want to start in 2016 , but if I do...
  12. icu_rn88

    GRE scores

    I just walked out of the GRE and my preliminary scores are Verbal - 163 and Quantitative - 154. I have a cumulative 3.3 GPA and was hoping to make up for it with my GRE scores. The minimum score for the programs I'm applying to is 300. How are my sco...
  13. icu_rn88

    Preparing for GRE

    Buy the book published by ETS, they are the ones who administer the test. I got the Kaplan and the ETS book and Kaplan was much easier so not a reliable way to study. ETS book is much harder and more accurate to what is on the test. I just took it an...
  14. Just took the GRE - 163 verbal, 154 math, total 317. I don't know if that's good enough but I'm certainly not taking that horrendous 4 hour test again! :)
  15. Just an update: I registered for GRE on Feb 5, PALS on Feb 17 and 18, and CCRN on March 19. All are before the application deadline so I'm hoping to pass CCRN but I have a question. The first time I took a 150 question practice test from the book end...