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About jennyincze

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  1. Keiser University MSN FNP

    Morrisa, I was just admitted to the KU FNP program. However, my start date is May 2019. I have been looking on allnurses and Facebook for groups but have not gotten lucky. I wish you best of luck!...
  2. Georgetown CNM/WHNP Spring 2019

    I am in the process for applying for the July '19 Cohort. I look forward to talking to you all more about your
  3. Well congrats! I am actually transferring to the Tampa campus from the Lakeland campus. I have to retake maternity- it kicked my butt. Stay focused and keep studying. Are you starting core in May or...
  4. Poor Nurse

    I carry one of those pens as a student- very handy. I found one with a highlighter on the end which was really great... But now it's used up and
  5. No 1:1 sitter for fall risk patient

    I work on the neuro floor as a tech and I frequently have 10-14 patients a night. Virtually all our patients are fall risks, unless they are walkie-talkies with a very steady gait. We do whatever we...
  6. HRSA 2014-2015 Nurse Corps Scholarship

    Well I received a rejection email so I am no longer
  7. HRSA 2014-2015 Nurse Corps Scholarship

  8. HRSA 2014-2015 Nurse Corps Scholarship

    It is crazy because I haven't seen anyone from those 3 areas awarded here or on Facebook... Last year those areas were last to hear... I'm keeping my fingers crossed but I've given up a little
  9. HRSA 2014-2015 Nurse Corps Scholarship

    I took out the max in federal loans and grants. I assume it's a no for me as well but I won't give up until rejections go out... Maybe there is still hope for me.
  10. HRSA 2014-2015 Nurse Corps Scholarship

    I had to do the same as well. Not sure how I will pay my bills and go to school full time- and also study but where there is a will... There is a
  11. HRSA 2014-2015 Nurse Corps Scholarship

    I agree! I haven't seen anyone from an ADN program receive
  12. Keiser University Books and Supplies

    The Lakeland
  13. Keiser University Books and Supplies

    I actually got my books at orientation this past week. We start September 2! I ended bundling my books because it actually was less hassle and almost the same price as getting each book
  14. HRSA 2014-2015 Nurse Corps Scholarship

    ADN programs fall under the first funding preference, along with BSN (not RN-BSN) and NP
  15. HRSA 2014-2015 Nurse Corps Scholarship

    I'm in florida also! No credit check here and no word of anything! Anyone else in florida hear