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About DYatesRN

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  1. Weird, Odd Nurses Behavior.....

    I share this problem too. You know it is bad when the preschool teacher asks you if you are a nurse. I inquire, "well, yes, I am. How do you know?" The teacher replies your daughter washed her...
  2. Failed Nclex Twice Need Help!!!!

    I agree with the Saunders guide. I took LPN boards in 95. I don't remember what I used for it but I did use saunders comprehensive guide for the RN boards and passed on try one using Saunders. I...
  3. Your comment to her was very immature and was not a good example to be setting...this however does not give ANYONE the right to hit someone else. I would report it. I think if I were you I would...
  4. Did they compensate any of the students for their travel time??? To wait several months and be canceled after traveling several miles.....that is a
  5. Well stated! This is so true in any
  6. I was qouting someone else saying in this thread that the RN program was "only six months more." I know it takes more time than that. Yes, I wish there were more programs that would fast track...
  7. If you have those pre-req's why not move on to much more money if you feel you are doing near the same job. Yes. there are nurses of all types that sit around...I am not disputing that one! I am...
  8. RN's have more than just 6 months extra schooling...most have a year of pre-req's that include intense sciences classes with labs (I had micro, Anatomy, physiology). I tire quite easily of bashing...
  9. Excelsior Student....

    This is so true! Boards make changes and adaptations all the time as well. Just because today EC is accepted in a certain state does not mean it will be the same tomorrow. I am glad that Excelsior...
  10. Good Luck at the clinical. Where are you taking
  11. No money for school, sorry it's long..

    Amy-- Around here if you are accepted into a nursing program several local hospitals will pay for it if you sign a contract. Please check into it in your area. This is mainly for those seeking RN...
  12. Excelsior Student....

    Actually Kansas has set up clinicals at a few colleges free to obtain clinical hours and they will allow endorsement after so many hours. Illinois will allow licensure after two years experience as...
  13. I hope it works out. I have heard on another board that many colleges won't just let you in on their clinicals, but hopefully that is not the case. I wish Excelsior would set up some kind of...
  14. Major differences in tasks LPN vs. RN

    Not here, because the hospital I work at has no LPN's...only clin tech's and RN's. The patients here certainly aren't waiting to be discharged by LPN's. Go for your RN, it really isn't too much...
  15. LPN/LVN rate of pay in your area.

    well said! Some people are just not good test