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All Content by gvalenz

  1. Aurora University Applicants 2014

    Hmm... thanks! Orientation is on August 25?! I went to the information session about a week or two ago. I havent gotten anything about the orientation, though. Do I just show up or was there an email or paper sent about it that I didnt get?
  2. Aurora University Applicants 2014

    I have a question for you guys... at the information session Cindy Swan and a few students mentioned orientation. I havent received anything about going to an orientation. Have you guys?
  3. Aurora University Applicants 2014

    That's awesome @mymatter ! Congratulations!
  4. Ahhh. I feel like I'm going to choose AU instead. They are both great achools... and I feel like I will have more time to study and will save more money since AU is 5 munutes away...
  5. I got accepted for the fall :-) ! Now I don't know if im gonna continue with Aurora University's program... ahhh...
  6. I havent gotten anything yet either!
  7. Aurora University Applicants 2014

    Woohoooo! Ill search for it!
  8. Aurora University Applicants 2014

    Ahh it sucks that you need 4 more credits @zivince ! Hopefully you'll find something fairly easy! @PaulDee yayy! Im taking the second summer session in June - July. Hmm.. about the Facebook thing... maybe if we send you the links to our pages? Or the...
  9. Aurora University Applicants 2014

    Woohoo Im registered for the summer and fall!
  10. Thanks! Yeah NIU waits too long... I was glad AU sent theirs mid-March. Hopefully you'll get good news from both schools :-) !
  11. The only other school I applied to is Aurora University. I got accepted into the program there and im pretty sure im choosing to go their instead. Good luck! UIC is an amazing program.
  12. Aurora University Applicants 2014

    Ahhh. Ill try to register for the june-july ! If not I'll do the other one.
  13. Aurora University Applicants 2014

    That's awesome that you work at CDH ! I feel like Ive applied there a hundred times! I think Im gonna go to AU instead of NIU. im about 5 minutes away from AU, and not having to commute will be amazing. I set up a meeting with an advisor for april ...
  14. Aurora University Applicants 2014

    No problem. Just wanted to get another opinion to make sure I make the right choice.
  15. Aurora University Applicants 2014

  16. Aurora University Applicants 2014

    No, I haven't yet! I was gonna hold off until I here from NIU, but that is gonna be until the end of April- ugh, way too long. I guess ill try to schedule and appointment asap. Im so confused. I dont wanr to register either, but I also dont want ...
  17. Aurora University Applicants 2014

    What?! That doesnt make sense! I hope you'll be fine. If NIU accepts me, I dont know which program I'll choose. Im sure there are a lot of people trying to choose between different schools.
  18. Aurora University Applicants 2014

    Accepted :-) !!!
  19. Aurora University Applicants 2014

    Ahhh... it's telling me that I dont have an account. I know I do, though...
  20. Aurora University Applicants 2014

    Omg! Congratulations! Thats awesome! Hopefully the rest of us hear some good news, too! Im soooooo anxious.
  21. Aurora University Applicants 2014

    Wahh I haven't gotten anything yet either. I read that, too! Everytime a weird phone number calls, I keep thinking it's AU. Haha. I graduated from NIU last summer, so I guess you could say im in hopes of "transferring" to AU from there.
  22. Aurora University Applicants 2014

    Ahhh im so anxious, too! From other forums ive read, I think people got their letters somewhere around mid-March. I havent gotten a phone call.
  23. Aurora University Applicants 2014

    An associate degree in science is not needed. As long as you meet the gpa requirement and complete the prerequisites by the start of the program, you are good to go :-)
  24. Aurora University Applicants 2014

    Im pretty sure it is a 2 year program :-)
  25. Aurora University Applicants 2014

    Thank you so much for sharing! Congrats on your last semester of nursing school! My sister also went to AU for nursing, and she is doing amazing, to say the least. Hopefully we all will get into this program or any other ones we have applied to...