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All Content by sonyastephens

  1. Brookhaven College Nursing Program Fall 2014

    Wouldn't hurt to start trying to learn Nursing Process/ADPIE. You get into that pretty quickly in the semester and it takes a bit to wrap your head around it. I picked up a book I'd read over last summer called Nursing Process & Critical Thinki...
  2. Brookhaven College Nursing Program Fall 2014

    thanks dawnb123 any info is much appreciated! :)
  3. Brookhaven College Nursing Program Fall 2014

    One more question for the current students in the program... We just got our schedules and they say preclinical is M/T 9-12 & 1-5:30. Is that just for the first 6 weeks? Is that both days, all day? I'm confused because I thought preclinical was...
  4. Brookhaven College Nursing Program Fall 2014

    Preemie 2 RN - what about the rolling bags? Is it really necessary to take all of our books with us to classes?
  5. Brookhaven College Nursing Program Fall 2014

    Any of the current nursing students - Is there a need to have the foundations book on ebook? Appreciate any advice on this. Is it worth $100 more?
  6. Brookhaven College Nursing Program Fall 2014

    does anyone know the difference on the Print + ebook or Print Only option for the 1st semester package. $100 more for the ebook version - wondering if that's worth it?
  7. Brookhaven College Nursing Program Fall 2014

    I'm curious if anyone knows - once we get assigned our clinical day is it the same the whole program or can it change each semester? does our hospital assignment change each semester as well?
  8. Brookhaven College Nursing Program Fall 2014

    I took a pair of the hunter green Grays Anatomy scrubs from Scrubs and Beyond with me to the bookstore and held up to see if they matched. They looked the exact same color. I can't imagine how they would tell the difference. Dansko makes a solid ...
  9. Brookhaven College Nursing Program Fall 2014

    Does anyone know how many uniforms we need to order and what the guidelines are on shoes?
  10. Brookhaven College Nursing Program Fall 2014

    I was wondering that too. Have not received anything either.
  11. Brookhaven College Nursing Program Fall 2014

    Do they let you try them on to see what size you need before ordering?
  12. Brookhaven College Nursing Program Fall 2014

    Does anyone know the set hours for classes?
  13. Brookhaven College Nursing Program Fall 2014

    I called Nancy a while back about the dates for Success Camp. They were not set yet but she indicated it would be during the week of August 18th. Everyone enjoy your summer! :)
  14. Brookhaven College Nursing Program Fall 2014

    Mine was 32.3
  15. Brookhaven College Nursing Program Fall 2014

    Does anyone know what the days/hours are for the nursing program ? Just curious what our schedule will be like ???
  16. Brookhaven College Nursing Program Fall 2014

    Yay! I'm in too! Looking forward to seeing you all in the fall! Sonya
  17. Brookhaven College Nursing Program Fall 2014

    Yes I think I'll assume it will be Thursday and just be surprised if it's earlier! :)
  18. Brookhaven College Nursing Program Fall 2014

    Thanks for letting us know! I wondered about just calling the office and asking - I'm sure they are getting a lot of that. Oh well, we will all probably laugh about how stressed we were after that! :)
  19. Brookhaven College Nursing Program Fall 2014

    This is torture!
  20. Brookhaven College Nursing Program Fall 2014

    Okay, so now is it Friday yet???? :)
  21. Brookhaven College Nursing Program Fall 2014

    they send it out by email right? So they said between today and Friday????
  22. Brookhaven College Nursing Program Fall 2014

    my understanding was 70 get interviewed and 60 get picked so yes, 10 would be cut. But look at like this your odds are 6 out of 7 getting picked. Pretty good odds! :)
  23. Brookhaven College Nursing Program Fall 2014

    I know I'm a bundle of nerves too. I noticed on website that interviews are worth a max of 10 points. I'm curious how those 10 points are compiled. I saw the post that earlier they were on a scale of 1 - 5. But one of the girls I interviewed with...
  24. Brookhaven College Nursing Program Fall 2014

    I received an email today inviting me to interview. Looks like they are doing them Thursday next week.
  25. Brookhaven College Nursing Program Fall 2014

    As far as interview questions - I've heard they ask you things like why you want to be a nurse and how you handle stress, etc.