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All Content by RazmatazRN

  1. Do you think your work place should support healthy eating?

    At least we have choices! Most of our patients get served at times they did not choose with food they did not pick or possibly picked from a confusing menu where breakfast dysphagia 'pancakes' arrive in a bowl and have the consistency of pudding. I h...
  2. Nursing Nightmares

    My recurring work nightmare is where I am back in the Emergency Department and everything I am doing is in slow motion. I can not keep up with the pace of the shift and problems shooting at me rapid fire. I can not quicken my pace no matter how hard ...
  3. Will I have a strong enough personality?

    I agree with the previous comments and would only add that being a manager is much more about being fair and honest, than about being tough. Do what is right, work hard, engage your staff in decision making and you will succeed. If you can't figure o...
  4. OCN exam quandries

    I just joined Allnurses today and this is my first time in the forums. I wish I would have had an opportunity to give you study advice before your OCN exam! I tested in October and although I passed....it could have gone either way and I was not sure...