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About RebeccaJeanRN

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  1. VA experiences

    I work in a VA ICU. One of the tough things is that it seems that virtually EVERY patient has drug/alcohol/smoking history so its all failed livers, kidneys, COPD. The shocking thing for me...
  2. Uniforms.. color scrubs vs whites

    I agree in part, yes we should introduce ourselves, but mixed up and sick patients will still think that the janitor who comes in wearing scrubs is a health professional too, if not an actual RN....
  3. Hi everyone- I'm starting on night shifts in two weeks and although I am middle aged, I have never worked a night shift job of any kind- what kind of advice can you give? I am desperate for any...
  4. Lunch and Dinner Breaks

    Campbell's now has some great soups in microwavable containers- and that, plus a fresh piece of fruit, makes for a fine lunch. Also- do you have Trader's Joe by you? They have wonderful little...
  5. Hi everyone- I just learned that a local hospital went to a uniform for their RNs and that another one is planning that change in the future. So I wanted a current status from everyone: does your...
  6. How to say thank you?

    I like sending a personal card of TWO people: that instructor plus whoever she reports to or who runs the program. Thank her very warmly but also specifically (e.g. "I really appreciated...
  7. Is there power in the color white?

    I posted in here once before in agreement to white again, as singularly reserved for nurses, but of course not old fashioned starched dresses, hose & caps...and there was an avalanche of...
  8. Strange post-partum behavior...

    Yes, this is not normal behavior. This is a pseudo pregnancy, I've only read about this in the news or in books, but its the type that people imagine so much that their bellies even grow. Pregnancy is...
  9. Advice Please! A cna spread a rumor about me.

    Since your fellow student was acting in role of CNA in the capacity of the hospital, then really (and you seem to know this now) you should have spoken to her supervisor if you wanted to address it....
  10. NICU Burnout...need to cry

    Besides offering cyberhugs, I really can't think of how to support you at this very draining time...I just wanted you to know that I'm listening and care. And that I just feel it in my bones that you...
  11. Mom & Dad were right: I'm a screw-up

    Anybody who can get a 4.0 in pre-reqs is a pretty smart guy, as simple as that. So since you are so smart and hardworking, you'll catch on to what you need to do in nursing school to get the grades...
  12. Is it Just me or is school too easy?

    Maybe its just me, but I think its just
  13. I don't believe you can refuse to work on an 'unsafe unit', because thats heresay. In other words, its really only rumor that its unsafe (albeit a rumor that appears to be based in fact). In theory,...
  14. What do I do? (long)

    Here are my questions: if you are a charge nurse over this person, and you said it would be very easy to catch her at what she shouldn't be doing- then that means that you see it all the time and...
  15. NICU Burnout...need to cry

    Oh, I'm so sorry to hear this. But not to worry about finding just the right words for the baby's mother. What speaks more clearly to this mother than any words is simply the fact that you did all...