Our PTA just started a Care Closet. They have donations for personal hygiene supplies and $$ to help keep it stocked. They have coordinated it and plan to do the work of maintaining it. It has been...
I've drove over an hour for 2 years and it wasn't too bad. I decided I wasn't going to get upset every day and used the drive to review every day and think about how I could be a better nurse. I would...
Yes, but our teams are 8 patients and if short on nursing aids our teams are 6 with just an RN and LPN. I love having the extra help and the team approach means that even if one patient is tanking the...
Darned sweaty eyeballs! I thought I'd cried that out a long time ago, but obviously I haven't. I hope you're doing all right...according to my psychiatrist, it takes around three years for life to...
This topic hits home with me, my husband died in 2017 and I have had days when I really struggled at work (and at home). I have tried very hard not to use my grief as an excuse not to be a hard...
Mn nurse 22 replied to Bunnybop's topic in Geriatric, LTC
We have an ekit and local pharmacy that we use for the first few doses of meds or we specifically have the md write "when available" if it is something that can wait for a few days. If that doesn't...
We have found that organized activities, even for a few minutes can keep residents busy for a long time after the activity is done. Mating gripper socks, washing tables in the dining room, folding...
Our facility is asking the same thing but I guess if someone is telling me they are having 10/10 pain and they have an order for narcotics that I am not going to offer a warm blanket, toilet them,...
All of the rapid drug screen have specific criteria to read the results after 5 minutes but within a certain amount of time the results are no longer valid, AND can often produce false positive...
Mn nurse 22 replied to CapeCodMermaid's topic in Geriatric, LTC
We have a post fall form, plus everyone's favorite the mandatory post fall huddle. Our form asks what the surrounding area looked like, when was resident last observed, last toileted, med changes,...
Is the facility also investigating why the day nurses are giving scheduled medications long before their earliest possible administration? They are setting you up for failure when they are giving it...