

Cardiac Stepdown, PCU

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About Miss.LeoRN

Miss.LeoRN specializes in Cardiac Stepdown, PCU.

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  1. I apologize, this is long. I feel that the more I explain and the bigger picture I paint, the more someone will be able to share with me. I realize that some of this might identify me if my coworkers...
  2. Another Tragedy at Vanderbilt

    Did the surgical team and the surgeon PURPOSEFULLY decide not to do a time out, and ignore all other checks and safety measures that were in place to prevent this sort of "event"? Did he just look at...
  3. I was slapped by a patient

    Okay, so like someone else asked... and you did what? Informed your manager or charge nurse? Called security? Just stood there? This is actually more than assault, it's assault and battery. I'm not...
  4. 2 year night shifter thinking about days need help!!

    We recently lost three of our night shifters to the cruel,evil sun that conquers this thing they call day shift. One was excited, loved the move. Took him a while to settle in because he made the...
  5. Working on weekends!

    The only real advice I have is to be sure you find out what the specific weekend requirements are to whatever hospital or unit you are applying to, when you apply. Don't go by what is on the job...
  6. Adjusting to NIGHT SHIFTS advice??

    Honestly, everyone is different. What works for some won't work for you, but you may find some good tips. Biggest question is... are you a day person or a night person? I am a night person. Even on...
  7. bedside report

    I don't mind bedside report, in general. My primary concern is that currently only isolation rooms are private rooms at our facility. We're moving to a new facility next year in which all the rooms...
  8. Save yourself; get out of medicine.

    Yeah sorry.. I don't have any of the problems you've claimed to experience in any of the nursing jobs I've
  9. Destined to Be a Flight Nurse

    At my hospital ER is a world apart from Tele and ICU. Granted we have two different Tele floors. Step-down with Tele and acute with Tele. I work step-down/Tele. Only our floor can be pulled to the...
  10. Nurses Call the Governor of Tennessee

    Reading these threads have caused some serious conflicts within me. Homicide charges seem extreme, but I do believe this woman should, as someone else said, have to stand before a Judge and explain...
  11. Sometimes I feel like the persons who write these "checklists" never have actually worked on a floor. What is the rationale behind a head to toe prior to giving medication? I can't imagine having to...
  12. At what point should I be worried?

    When I was hired at the hospital I work at now, I interviewed in mid February, was Offered the Job on March 15th, and was "enrolled" into general orientation on April 18th. I was on the floor in...
  13. ATI med-surg proctored exam

    You need to specifically study ATI material. So, if it's an ATI med/surge test, study from the ATI med/surge book. You should have access to that, if not, they're like $5 on ebay or amazon. It's all...
  14. Did this patient overreact?!

    YOU SAID THAT TO THE PATIENT?! WTF IS WRONG WITH YOU. Seriously! So her being uncomfortable with a male nurse that close to her genitalia is HER fault for not wearing panties? It's her fault because...
  15. Pts who insult you?

    Synthroid is an easy fix. Ask to give it at night. When I worked rehab/long term many residents (because in long term, that is their home. They aren't patients, they are residents) wanted certain meds...