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All Content by bonepan

  1. Torrance Memorial New Grad Feb. 2014

    Hi Adecstatic, if you could gently remind your friend to send me an email, I'd appreciate it. Thanks!
  2. Torrance Memorial New Grad Feb. 2014

    Thanks ade!
  3. Torrance Memorial New Grad Feb. 2014

    Hi Adecstatic, good luck with the process. It sounds like you and mom2doubles did well. Could you send me the email of your friend who you believe chose critical care as his/her first choice (and who also got a second interview)? I'd appreciate your ...
  4. Torrance Memorial New Grad Feb. 2014

    Thanks guys. I chose critical care as my top choice. Since that is a key difference among us, it seems reasonable that my top choice played a role in a "lack" of a second interview. Did anyone else choose critical care as their top choice? If so, did...
  5. Torrance Memorial New Grad Feb. 2014

    mom2doubles, what unit did you select as your first choice? Again, I interviewed once and was told that I would only hear back in I'm not sure what to make of the situation. Any insight?
  6. Torrance Memorial New Grad Feb. 2014

    Hi ADEcstatic, What you say is really interesting. I was told in the beginning of my interview (I only had one) that I would hear back in Jan 2014. Did you and your friend select med/surg or ED as your first choice?
  7. UCLA New Grad RN Winter 2014

    has anyone had a change in status for the app?