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All Content by EDRN62772

  1. Nurse to patient ratio in ED

    I work 11-7 in a community hospital ED. I am responsible for approximately 4-6 patients. The main ED area has 15 beds, 5 beds in our behavioral health area and 6 beds in the express care area. We function with 1 doctor, 3 RN's, and 2 CNA's. If a code...
  2. First public drunk charge, May graduation

    Very true I was referring to a simple DUI stop. No accident no injuries etc. First offense.
  3. First public drunk charge, May graduation

    A DUI/DWI is a misdemeanor
  4. First public drunk charge, May graduation

    Congratulations on completing your BSN. From my nursing experience and what I have been told DON and Nurse Managers are more concerned with drug charges and any type of elderly abuse charges. I have a DWI charge from 1997 which I left on my record an...
  5. BSN and Obamacare

    I am a diploma RN and currently enrolled in a RN to BSN program, which I pay for. One ofthe many great aspects of nursing is the opportunity to continually advance your knowledge. As our knowledge advances so does our profession. A disadvantage to ad...
  6. If a person codes at Walmart..

    Prior to becoming an RN I worked in EMS and unless the person possessed proper advanced directive documentation we would provide full care. As an ED RN if a person presents to the ED without advanced directives they are assumed a full code until docu...