
jaycam RN


About jaycam

jaycam has 2 years experience as a RN.

Latest Activity

  1. Anyone NEVER been hit/hurt working psych?

    All this. I am used to the roles I had to play with my parents, I have a lot of deescalation/non verbal communication training. I learned a lot of how not to wear my emotions on my sleeve. I've taken...
  2. Anyone NEVER been hit/hurt working psych?

    I'm the RN on a psychosis unit, for about a year now. Before that, I was a nursing assistant in developmental disabilities/home health for about 9 years. I have about a once every three years streak...
  3. I went to a CNA program at a local 4-year college. It was a certificate program, 8 weeks, and cost less than that. Students were students, some more studious than others, but the deciding factor...
  4. AEDs in the Wild?

    The local summer camps I attend have them on site as well. Most of these camps are out in the middle of national parks. We did have an MI at one of them, that did not require the use of an AED. Even...
  5. They told me in nursing school there were plenty of well paying, 1.0
  6. Patients Say the Darnedest Things

    I do love psych nursing.... Adorable little old lady comes in, hissing and spitting mad, calmed down a little by joking about my hair, but still threatening staff members, so we gave meds, which of...
  7. Caption Contest

    "Just making sure my inner voice gets
  8. Fill In The Blank...

    "The voices keep telling me to hurt you" Which, hey, at least they told me.
  9. Question for nurses that are male...

    It is very different though. Person first labeling is more respectful in general. It is also more personal. Do you go around calling all your diabetic patients "my diabetics" or "bed 2345 is...
  10. Doctors Say the Darnedest Things

    The provider I work on introduced themselves to me by saying "The people upstairs hate me, but that's okay because it means I am doing my job right. " Still love them to death most days. I go away on...
  11. When I was still a student, I was doing med/surg clinicals at a trauma center. My patient had developed pneumonia and was sent for sent down for a thorocentisis. It had taken forever, and they were...
  12. How many patients you guys take on your duty?

    USA Acute Inpatient Psych, Night shift. Usually
  13. Bellevue College Nursing @ Bellevue
  14. Gift for Preceptor and unit?

    A handwritten thank you card goes a long way. I did one for both my preceptor and the nurses, then included a coffee card for the preceptor and made brownies for
  15. "I think that covers reflex