I am in agreement that it is all of the above as well, but it is different for different people. Maybe each person gets a percentage to each of the three categories? Some may have 1 or 2 factors but...
With 21 or 22 SATA that is a lot. I had a S*** load of those. I would guess you passed as mine shut off at 75 as well...The more SATA the better. Means you are way above the competency line....
You didnt "forget" everything, you are simply new and not used to pressure. Your are going to have to figure out how to manage your anxiety as you cant always go to work doped up on benzos :) That...
If you are like me you will love it. I took my first position in a non-medical ETOH and drug detox that is geared for the indigent. The key is to know a little bit about everything and have...
DWillaman72 replied to CountryMomma's topic in General Nursing
Just keep a copy of a generic cease/desist letter and then have a blank for the reason and fill it in with pink marker and smile big when you hand it off to the offender! On a serious note I would...
DWillaman72 replied to designer-mommy's topic in Addictions
I want to help people, the people I serve want help. Naturally it is a fit! But I love to find the way to reach them. For alcoholics sometimes it is telling them how they will die if they continue...
DWillaman72 replied to sassyann85's topic in Addictions
Do what you think as nurse is best. Why are they leaving? Is it to score dope? Unhappy with staff? Let them know what will happen by taking Suboxone and attempting to get high from heroin. If it is...
DWillaman72 replied to AmberBradford's topic in Addictions
Congratulations on your new position. Read up on methadone, read everything you can find, its a nasty one, how long does your clinic offer tapering? Do you also use suboxone? Would love to pick...
DWillaman72 replied to sassyann85's topic in Addictions
I definitely agree with you, but one can argue detox can last up to 14 days esp the fifth a dayers. However, it should be determined off of a CIWA score and the orders should conicide with a CIWA...
DWillaman72 replied to Omaapecm's topic in Addictions
I currently work in a gov position in a residential clinical detox program (not medical detox) but I love it. I have not been pushed to grab a specialty but I feel that it is my duty as an RN to get...
DWillaman72 replied to melme's topic in Addictions
I lost my dad to Cirrhosis (died of resp. failure from bleeding esophageal varices), both of my parents were substance abusers. Dad died at age 47 and mother at 58 (complications of depression)....
Yeah man nursing school is tough. There are no if's ands or but's about it. My wife and I are both in nursing school and raising our two year old son. Weathering the storm is what its all about....
I just read through all the posts wow! I am headed into my last semester of school (my wife and I both), and am getting anxious about jobs. I hope to get a job in the psychiatric field. Would love...