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About Anon101

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  1. ROTP Nursing Questions (Canadian Forces)

    I can't believe it's already been more than a decade since I made this post. How life has lead me in a totally different direction! Anyway to answer your question, back then, the program was not...
  2. Staff nurse to nurse manager/administrator

    I'll definitely keep that in mind. I was previously working at a large hospital but no longer work as I wanted to focus on school and the hospital would not allow me to switch to casual due to needs...
  3. Hi everyone, I'm currently enrolled in a master's nursing program at a top-tier school focused on health system administration and management. Prior to pursuing graduate studies, I only had...
  4. Terminated in probation - no reason given

    I've been thinking about using a colleague as a reference. The problem is if I don't write this job on my resume, it's not very likely I'll get a job in this specialty since I never had a placement in...
  5. Terminated in probation - no reason given

    Just found out I qualified for the employment insurance benefits. At least I'll be able to survive until I can find another
  6. Terminated in probation - no reason given

    Thank you! I'm actively interviewing for other positions and trying not to let this affect
  7. Terminated in probation - no reason given

    Thanks for your response. The termination definitely wasn't for a performance issue, since I passed my evaluation with my manager a few weeks prior. All I know is that a co-worker with significant...
  8. Terminated in probation - no reason given

    I did ask the employer for more information as to the reason for the termination, but they wouldn't provide it; the union also told me that according to their collective agreement, the employer could...
  9. Terminated in probation - no reason given

    Thanks for your response. I've filed for unemployment benefits. I'm curious about the employee file part, in what circumstances would I want to look at my employee
  10. Terminated in probation - no reason given

    Hi there, thanks for your response. It wasn't a layoff because they posted my position up for hiring after I was terminated. I believe it had to do with the complaint. I inquired about a reference,...
  11. Hi all, I worked at a hospital for around 9 months and accumulated approximately 1500 hours. I was 12 hours away from probation, when I was handed a letter that said I was being terminated, without...
  12. Interview with correctional facility

    Hey all, I just landed an interview at a correctional facility as a mental health nurse and I was wondering if anyone has any advice in terms of how I can prep for it? I currently work in mental...
  13. What is LTC like?

    Thanks for the response. I recently started working in LTC. It's quite different from a hospital setting for sure, and I do have to give meds but there isn't much personal care as there are PSWs. I'm...
  14. What is LTC like?

    Hey all, what is being an RN in a LTC facility like? (i.e. stress, workload, hours, etc.). Also, what is the pay in Ontario for a new RN in LTC? (I know it's a bit less than in
  15. Good Level 2 NICUs in the GTA for a New Grad?

    Hi there, I think it would be a wise decision to work in a level 3 NICU for at least a year before switching to a level 2. I say this because level 3 NICUs have excellent orientation programs for new...