I can't believe it's already been more than a decade since I made this post. How life has lead me in a totally different direction!
Anyway to answer your question, back then, the program was not...
I'll definitely keep that in mind. I was previously working at a large hospital but no longer work as I wanted to focus on school and the hospital would not allow me to switch to casual due to needs...
Hi everyone,
I'm currently enrolled in a master's nursing program at a top-tier school focused on health system administration and management. Prior to pursuing graduate studies, I only had...
I've been thinking about using a colleague as a reference. The problem is if I don't write this job on my resume, it's not very likely I'll get a job in this specialty since I never had a placement in...
Thanks for your response. The termination definitely wasn't for a performance issue, since I passed my evaluation with my manager a few weeks prior. All I know is that a co-worker with significant...
I did ask the employer for more information as to the reason for the termination, but they wouldn't provide it; the union also told me that according to their collective agreement, the employer could...
Thanks for your response. I've filed for unemployment benefits. I'm curious about the employee file part, in what circumstances would I want to look at my employee
Hi there, thanks for your response. It wasn't a layoff because they posted my position up for hiring after I was terminated. I believe it had to do with the complaint. I inquired about a reference,...
Hi all, I worked at a hospital for around 9 months and accumulated approximately 1500 hours. I was 12 hours away from probation, when I was handed a letter that said I was being terminated, without...
Hey all, I just landed an interview at a correctional facility as a mental health nurse and I was wondering if anyone has any advice in terms of how I can prep for it? I currently work in mental...
Thanks for the response. I recently started working in LTC. It's quite different from a hospital setting for sure, and I do have to give meds but there isn't much personal care as there are PSWs. I'm...
Hey all, what is being an RN in a LTC facility like? (i.e. stress, workload, hours, etc.). Also, what is the pay in Ontario for a new RN in LTC? (I know it's a bit less than in
Hi there, I think it would be a wise decision to work in a level 3 NICU for at least a year before switching to a level 2. I say this because level 3 NICUs have excellent orientation programs for new...