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All Content by ToFNPandBeyond

  1. For Primary Care, can an NP ever be as skilled as an MD?

    With years of experience, just as skilled in the primary care setting. I can't speak of other specialities.
  2. FNP pay, splitting reimbursements from insurance?

    Great post! Interested learning more about this and what ppl actually made.
  3. New Grad Job Offer... What do you think?

    Most conferences are 3 days. And even if they are not, you'll want to leave by the 3rd day.... If the CME time is your only concern, then you're in good shape. I would take the counter offer.
  4. New Grad NP feeling Overwhelmed, Scared

    No offense Dodongo, but your post does nothing to help address the concerns this person feels in real time. OP, it is normal to have those gitters and concerns. I was there when I started working as a new provider last fall. As another poster said, ...
  5. New Grad NP - Took first job offer-

    Set up those interviews! You want to do what your heart desires and what will ultimately bring you fulfillment. If that's outpatient, then by all means... Remember, this is business, nothing personal. Take a chapter from the various employers who let...
  6. Why did you become a NP?

    I wasn't necessarily looking into working in specialty, it sort of "found" me. I was applying for jobs and came across a psych mental health outpatient position. In my previous primary care clinic, I was doing quite a bit of mental health screening, ...
  7. Why did you become a NP?

    ^^THIS! Power 2020, take heart! I've been there and as djmatte has stated, I've also experienced this with the narcotics. At my now last employer, I've had colleagues turn against me and have upset some higher ups because I refused to continue the in...
  8. Why did you become a NP?

    I became a family nurse practitioner because I wanted to be able to provide the type of comprehensive and compassionate care that I wished I could've received as a patient in clinical settings. What I didn't not anticipate, however, is the various be...
  9. urgent care or family practice?

    I hear you. I currently work in family practice but will be transitioning to specialty care d/t new mgmt and the push/ pressure to prescribe narcs to those who demand for it. It's starting to feel like a pill mill so I'm leaving. I've never worked in...
  10. Help- Minute Clinic or Planned Parenthood?

    Planned parenthood also does primary care so you'd get more varied experiences there. You may also get better orientation which would be important for you as you're so far removed since you graduated and became licensed. Minute clinic from what I've ...
  11. NP Fellowship experience

    Great post! Thanks for sharing your experience and helping those who may need it.
  12. urgent care or family practice?

    The whole narcs deal in FP is real... Can you negotiate start time? I'd start there. Explain the commute as rationale. As for your urgent care job, if they're closing, you're left with no job likely no job prospects....
  13. Starting own NP practice

    Amazing post!
  14. Can't get ACNP job

    I also agree on contacting alumni and the residency route for experience. You may also want to try career fairs in healthcare. This was the primary way I got interviews and landed my first job. is what I used. Create a portfolio rather t...
  15. do any NPs wish they did something else

    I don't regret being an NP, but I do regret staying with my current employer. It was all roses and daisy until it got bought out by an FQHC. The literal rat race of seeing patients every 10 to 15 min, the involuntary double bookings, the aggressive a...
  16. Accidental Mistake- UGH

    YES! The same thing happened to me over the summer. I had just received my license a few weeks prior and needed to renew. To our credit, that question was misleading and confusing IMHO. I went straight to them to get it straightened out. I had to pay...
  17. Oversupply of Nurse Practitioners

    All of the amenities you've mentioned you don't own. With the amount of money your throwing away in rent, you could put down $100K in just under 4 years if you were paying a reasonable amt in rent. I lived in SF. All one would need to do is purchase ...
  18. Oversupply of Nurse Practitioners

    You mean to tell me that you make nearly $200K and you've decided to live in the most expensive parts of the country RENTING! You are literally handing over $4k a month to make someone else rich. How about using that money and investing! If not for y...
  19. Resume tips for AP nursing?

    For inpatient, years of ICU or any other hospital experience makes sense. As OB is an FNP, RN inpatient experience is irrelevant as it doesn't speak to her APN experience or exposure in an outpatient setting. As I've mentioned, employers I've intervi...
  20. Resume tips for AP nursing?

    I disagree. I met with my career counselors at my university and they informed me of the importance of including your clinical experiences in your resume. These were also brought up extensively in my interviews. These are the only experiences you can...
  21. Salary range means?

    You can make over $140K in primary care. The larger hospitals in California for example offer this pay grade and over. I have colleagues straight out of school with no experience making this. And no, I'm not taking into account bonuses, etc.....
  22. Resume tips for AP nursing?

    Depends. Was the project S.M.A.R.T? Was it like a PDSA project? Can it help improve a given practice? If yes to any of these questions, highlight these aspects in your resume. If not, leave out.
  23. Resume tips for AP nursing?

    Yes, include your clinical rotations and label them as "clinical experience " or "residencies " and break it down into sub specialties. It's important to highlight you clinical experiences while in school because it shows that you've been been puttin...
  24. Salary range means?

    Since when was $140K the max? Even for primary care, you can still make more.
  25. What did you wish you knew as a new grad NP?

    Thank you for ^^this. I was just going to say that one needs to use discretion and do their own thinking when it comes to info one reads. Up-to-date is popular and I use it as well, but it has its flaws. For one, some of the evidence they use sometim...