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All Content by tinkCC

  1. MRSA question

    I am just returning to work after having MRSA. A resident who was "in insolation" but also very attached to me is where I am sure I contacted it. She was allowed out of the room with a mask to smoke. Because a conbative resident had scratched me, the...
  2. why are cna's treated like they are stupid and replaceable?

    trouble is ..that third one is not normally on my wing!!!!! I have had the chance to work with a wonderful, caring nurse ..who I want to be just like. While our regular floor nurse was on vacation. Our regular floor nurse is huge!! and she is lazy .....
  3. why are cna's treated like they are stupid and replaceable?

    that's my largest problem with being a CNA ..not the pay but the ratio of residents to CNA's. I have an average of 12-16 residents most total care. You can not give good care at that ratio when the majority of residents in your care are total care. ...
  4. Reward system for hardworking CNA's..need help!

    I totally agree with you. I have been off sick for 2 weeks (contracted MRSA from a resident) and when I went by my facility to drop off my release to return to work I checked on my wing ..So many of the residents I care for are total care and it was ...
  5. Hi I'm new and want to know about NET

    I am nervous about taking the NET too. The first part of June I am suppose to get the notice of the time and Date ..it was great to read that some of you didnt find it as difficult as you feared .. I am 49 and besides the quick 3 week CNA course I ha...
  6. Very Discouraged About Chances of Getting In

    I go back and forth worring about if I will get in. I decided to up my chances by going first for CNA and working at a Nursing home. I have kept in contact with everyone involved with the LVN course by email. Letting them know just how bad I want thi...