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About memily2000

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  1. I don't know if the grandfather lives with the mom and pt., but if he does I don't understand why they haven't already been turned in to child protective services. Sounds like the girl would be better...
  2. Nursing school vs. nursing shortage

    Chadash had mentioned that their school was 1st come-1st serve. That surprises me too. My school bases their selection on an extensive interview process, as well as # of pre-reqs completed, and...
  3. nursing school stress

    Good one Clee1. You're right the stress only gets greater. Are we having fun yet?
  4. nursing school stress

    If you want to go out of state Barton County Community College is a really good (although really hard) school. This year about 120 applied, 50 are accepted, next year about 70 will be accepted because...
  5. Nursing school--credit report??

    I don't know which school you are applying at, but I think I would be offended if they asked for my credit report. This was not a requirement for Barton County Comm College. However, there is...
  6. pay for LPNs

    I'd like to know what LPN's get paid from traveling
  7. pay for LPNs

    Vast difference in pay for State LPN jobs: (LPN Sr is an LPN w/ 6 months experience) Pawnee Licensed Practical Nurse 150309 Larned State Hospital External C R F $12.23 Hourly Ford Licensed...
  8. Funny patient names by nurses

    Ok my kids names are... Mariah Cheyenne and Micah Cherokee I went to school with a guy named Michael Hunt... everyone called him Mike... he had some behavior problems... I wonder why
  9. EEEEEK! Please Help Me! Losing New Job????

    Try to calm down. I am sure it will be a long weekend, but I pray you get good news on Monday. I hope you have happy holidays. Please let us know if everything works itself out. Be Blessed. And just...
  10. My Face Feels Big

    Sorry to laugh, but your post was hellarious. Hope you feel better soon. If you have the time don't go back to work till you have
  11. Did Anyone Go To Nursing School While Raising Kids?

    One more thing... if you have to work... a night shift job that you can do your homework at allows for more time with them during the
  12. Did Anyone Go To Nursing School While Raising Kids?

    I am married, have 2 kids - 7 & 8, work 40 hours, have the nursing program (9 credit hours) and finishing last pre-req next semester (3 credit hour) = 12 hours. This is still my first year, but so...
  13. Weeding out of nursing students

    I know a smart guy who lived in NY, had a good education and a good job, but for some reason decided that nursing school would be fun, easy, and something he could always fall back on if need be. He...
  14. Weeding out of nursing students

    The nursing program at the college is harder than any other in the area. It also has the highest rate of NCLEX passers (at least per capita). It is proud of that, and I am sure their pre-reqs weed on...
  15. WHY are nurses so catty??

    I think I was getting my definitions wrong. I thought catty was cat-like, in that we women will pull out our claws and rip people a new one when they need it. And I don't think this is always a bad...