Typhoid Mary

Typhoid Mary

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All Content by Typhoid Mary

  1. CRNA's: Where do you live? What do you make?

    I work in Boston, perm nocs. 45./h base, plus shift diff. I work on a very busy heme/onc floor. I am a graduate of an ADN program, with several classes done toward BSN. Yes, I'd do it again. I honestly can't imaging doing anything else.
  2. Medical terms you'd rather see changed....

    Thought of another- "withdraw care". This one actually makes me cringe. I get a mental image of a bunch of doctors and nurses walking away from a patient in a bed when I hear this. Needs to be changed to something that dosent sound as if we are wash...
  3. Medical terms you'd rather see changed....

    I'd like to add "habitual aborter", which I saw written in my own medical chart after having three miscarriages. I appreciate that the term "aborter" does not medically mean what it sounds as if it does...but gee whiz, as if I didn't already feel bad...
  4. How do you know?

    Hi! I am an RN with 8 years at my present job on an oncology floor in a teaching hospital. The last two years a great deal has changed here. My favorite Docs are gone, so our onc census is down and we are being forced to take med/surg overflow from ...
  5. Family "Rage" toward nurses

    Hi, I work on an oncology unit where we nearly always have "one of those" family memebers around...over the years, I have learned to chaulk this up to the fact that families are feeling anxious, helpless- and sometimes resentful...I say resentful bec...