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All Content by Mily

  1. How to: Applying for the CGFNS CES

    Same here but I am a new grad RN from Sydney ( Australia) and I got my high school diploma in Vietnam. I came to IL last August 2014 and now I am still waiting for greencard plus waiting for the CGFNS to issue the report - Ready To Review. CGFNS rece...
  2. Illinois RN license

    Hi everyone! I'm a new grad RN in Australia, I'm working at the moment and i'm going to move to Chicago end of next year. So I'd like to know how to get the RN license at Illinois? I know that I need to take the NCLEX exam so I'm self studying at th...
  3. Illinois RN license

    Tks JustBeachyNurse! You are right here we don't have the clinical placement in the obstetrics/maternity or pediatrics ward & we need to take another year to become a Midwife. However we have many placements in other fields. I did check the IL B...