My preceptor is constantly belittling me and making feel like a burden and an idiot. I was wondering if this was a normal part of the process or if I need to find a new preceptor? I've lost any...
Hi all. Just wondering if any of you could touch on your clinical experiences. Have they been positive? Have you enjoyed them? Are they building you up or dragging you down? Wondering if mine are...
I was wondering how you handle Epi-pens. My kids are Middle School and High School aged. I feel like they should keep their pens with them because we are not always in the same place with the kids....
I am an ICU nurse that volunteers at a religious camp 1 week every summer. Last summer I had a run on ankle injuries. I tended to send most to the ED for x-ray to be on the safe side. I know it's...
The other thread I've been involved in started a Facebook page. It seems like most on them are Pre-specialty but, in case you're interested, it's called Vanderbilt MSN Accepted Fall
Ok. So I'm a big chicken so I had my husband call and check my status and...I'M IN!!!! I would feel better if they would update my status but Sandy said I was admitted!!! I'm absolutely in shock!!!...