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About SimonTan

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  1. BSN vs ASN

    From what you have witnessed, are RN BSNs any better than RN ASNs in terms of skill, knowledge,
  2. Which day is postop day 1?

    Ah, that is good to know! haha, such basics stuff yet I was unsure of
  3. Which day is postop day 1?

    Silly question but what is considered postop day 1? If surgery was 0600 today, is tomorrow day 1 or
  4. Priority: Hepatic vs Renal

    Thanks jmiraRN! That's good advice. Gonna have to remember
  5. free water

    Thank you for sharing. Low serum sodium is the ratio of sodium to water is low. To bring it back into balance, restrict H20. Would that also mean that there is fluid excess possibly edema? How do you...
  6. free water

    In regards to NG tube, what does the term free water
  7. Practice question problems

    Yep, Hypokalemia is what kaplan says is correct. And it just says diuretic, no mention of k-sparing. Doesn't diuretics and NGT both take out Na+? I looked up gastric juices it contains
  8. Why type of IV solution to use?

    Massive blood loss means hypovolemic. What would you give for someone who has lost blood? A hypertonic solution will draw water out of cells. Good for fixing edema. A hypotonic will push water into...
  9. Need help with a Dosage Calc problem

    Your math and answer correct in the academic world. In the real world, it may not be so correct but then you wouldn't be using the instructor's dosage either. You would be getting the dosage from a...
  10. Dimensional analysis

    Dimensional analysis is SO FREAKING EASY that I don't even have to think about most questions. I write down the starting number and put in the conversion ration and BAM!, out comes the answer! No...
  11. If they know how to use a computer or a tablet, maybe you have them communicate with you that way. Or paper &
  12. Priority: Hepatic vs Renal

    Don't take my word for it but I would think renal failure might be more important. 23ml/hr is really below normal so there is excessive waste/fluid buildup in the body leading to edema, hypervolemia...
  13. [h=5]nausea, vomiting, nasogastric drainage, diarrhea, use of diuretics likely causes which electrolyte imbalance? Hyponatremia or hypokalemia? I think both of these answers are correct? Am I...