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  1. Strange Facial Sensations

    OK, here's the legal clause first....I'm not asking for medical advice, recommendations diagnosis, or treatment. :) Here's the deal, at karate tonight, I was flipped by my instructor, and I landed...
  2. Spanish for L&D nurses

    cervix is el cuello del utero (neck of the uterus) Some Mexican ladies have a sort of blanket called a 'reboso' that they like to keep with them for the birth. Some Mexican ladies will not express...
  3. My Math Problem-What to Do?

    Thanks for the suggestions! Any recommendations for an online
  4. My Math Problem-What to Do?

    I thought I would never get through doseage and solutions in nursing school. The first time I remember having math trouble was in 1st grade, when there was a problem 0+0=? My answer was 2. I...
  5. Criminal or just Bad Judgement?

    It was a SKIN assessment, not an initial assessment (which I had finished). I charted what I SAW, which was the hematoma and various other scars. He was not called to assess, he was called to...
  6. Criminal or just Bad Judgement?

    Yep, you're right about that too! Later, the LPN told me there was a 'knot' under the hematoma, so you know he felt around pretty good. That was another thing I resented. I love our LPN's, they are...
  7. Criminal or just Bad Judgement?

  8. Criminal or just Bad Judgement?

    Good points... As to the nature of his old felony, all I know is this: One night he was scheduled to float to children's unit and he flipped out, saying he was 'cleared' to work with kids, they had...
  9. Criminal or just Bad Judgement?

    Thanks, everyone for your input, also for pointing out the reasons for not talking to co-workers. I never thought about the rumour mill thing. I will talk to my supervisor today when I go for a team...
  10. Criminal or just Bad Judgement? are both expressing exactly my thoughts. Something fishy. Is there a way I could discreetly ask other nurses if they have noticed this type of behaviour? I have heard several nurses...
  11. Would like input please... I work sometimes with a male nurse, who I usually enjoy working with. Tonight I had a new admit, who was also a male, so I called the other nurse to come do the skin...
  12. Don't be a Psych nurse if.....

    We call it appropriate self-disclosure for the patients'
  13. Boss Did My Annual Review--without Me..

    Oh hee hee. You are so funny. The moon! Good stuff there. OF COURSE there was a phone there. Nevermind that I was in la-la land on account of the narcotics. That would have made for a great...
  14. I woke up during surgery, Have you?

    You poor thing! I am so sorry this happened to you. And even more that it was not documented appropriately. It's never happened to me, although I did have a grand mal seizure under anesthesia once,...
  15. Assault Response Training for ER Staff

    We did CPI too, and I agree with the other posters---useless. For example, they teach that if someone bites you, you are supposed to 'feed' the bite. In other words, instead of pulling your arm or...