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All Content by jrennie15

  1. Worst/Best thing a nursing instructor ever said to you?

  2. "Your job is to make me happy"

    When I was in nursing school we were taught that your job wasn't to make the patient healthy but to give them the necessary tools and education to enable them to make themselves healthier. That's always kind of stuck with me.
  3. Words You Hate

    When people refer to their family as "the famjam". Drives me crazy.
  4. Nursing is my passion but I feel like I am too dumb.

    I didn't read all of the comments so I apologize if someone already said this.... but Khan academy on YouTube has excellent videos. I also struggled work A&P but I am an A student in all of my nursing courses and in my clinicals. You can get thro...
  5. Concealed Carry for Caregivers

    I don't know much about the gun/homicide stats but I hardly think Wikipedia is a credible or reliable source. ....
  6. Concealed Carry for Caregivers

    As a Canadian, we are not allowed to carry concealed, I find the idea of health care workers carrying concealed absolutely horrifying. I totally understand where people are coming from with feeling unsafe at work, but are guns to fight guns really th...
  7. IEN in Alberta- any luck with jobs?

    I am not an IEN, but I am well versed in the situation Alberta nurses are in. I work for AHS myself. Right now they are currently "reorganizing/restructuring" our health care system. This is consisting of making nurses work full time in order to redu...