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All Content by compmom

  1. Advice For The New Nurse Entering Med-Surg

    Great information, thanks for sharing!
  2. A VERY frustrated nurse

    This is just what I needed after a long day at work! Ended up staying several hours late to chart and decided to google my topic on, which never lets me down. Found some great advice as well as the feeling that I am not alone in my sea...
  3. Would you do it all again?

    This is a reply to CBlover.. not sure why it didn't post as a reply. No problem with dedicating your time to your kiddos while they're still little. It's true that school is very time consuming as you well know. I felt the same way about devoting tim...
  4. As a block 1 nursing student I am struggling with hearing the systolic blood pressure, I seem to be okay on the diastolic (most of the time). I feel like I can hear fairly well, I try to make sure I don't touch anywhere on the tubing as I can hear ev...
  5. Block 1 Nursing Student- Electronic Stethoscope?

    TraumaRUs thanks for your post. After reading your comment I looked at the Littmann Cardiology which are about $150 less than the electronic stethoscopes. I currently have a Littmann Classic II S.E. My concern in purchasing the Cardiology stethoscope...