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All Content by Princesswho

  1. IPN is killing me..........

    I know no one responded to my post but i just wanted to give an update in case someone else finds it helpful one day. My positive test was for a prescription that I am on that my case manager verified. So it wasn't the cleaning stuff or the sushi. I ...
  2. Concept Maps

    there is a great program you should buy it is called delmars care plans it is amazing and makes concept maps and linear care plans a whiz it even gives you the rationale. There is another one I think by gulanick or something that is pretty good but i...
  3. I got the scholarship!!!!

  4. Giving Morphine

    I would have done the same thing unless she had a valid reason which it doesnt sound like she does. I think if it is PRN then they get it when it is needed and it wasnt.
  5. I remember feeling the same feeling in my first couple clinicals in a nursing home (other then being a male). I work in an ER now and I tell you what every nurse will tend to gravitate towards something that I like more then other areas. With that be...
  6. Overthinking on tests! HELP!

    In this particular answer stop and think what could hurt the patient is it going to hurt the patient if the water from the basin spills over...ummm prob not unless it is scolding but then how would you have even washed with it in the first place. If ...
  7. Rude/ Inconsiderate nurses during clinicals

    What semester of nursing school are you in? So are you assigned to one preceptor and take there full patient load with them? It seems like you should bring to your teacher that this nurse does not seem receptive to students. You are there to get the...
  8. Overthinking on tests! HELP!

    While studying for the NCLEX I found myself doing this although I hadnt previously I think it was just the stress of it. My advice though is just to go back to the basics think about what you would do first ex- ABC's or what is the biggest risk to hu...
  9. New Grad Nurse Blues

    Does anyone have any advice as far as how to lessen the anxiety? Is the anxiety more related to time management issue or knowledge deficit. Also, I am wondering how long was your orientations after nursing school?
  10. IPN is killing me..........

    I am new to the site. Was that message about an interview for me? I haven't had an interview. Am i supposed to have an interview?
  11. IPN is killing me..........

    I was told by the leader of my nurse group that they test you 24 times in a year. I am not sure if that would help you budget at least knowing that you possibly put that money into a different account so that you know that it is there. With that bein...