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About leopold

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  1. Today, for the fifth time in the past four months I hit the floor. Literally. Ended up in ER where they told me yet again that I am suffering exhaustion. Called my doc. Explained what happens -- Feel...
  2. Human Growth and Development Course

    I took it, it was kind of easy going but the tests were hard, especially the section on young children where we had to learn all the milestones and develpmental theorists. Everyone failed that test so...
  3. Getting ready for Cna exam

    Go to your state board of nursing website. Look under info for CNAs. They usually post a practice test for written and a set of step by step instructions for the skills you need. Very helpful, you can...
  4. Just checking to see how LPN/LVN classes are going.

    I knew I was in trouble when we spent the entire first day of class going over school policy. There was so much information that I don't really remember anything. Have had to ask teachers when issues...
  5. first CNA job opportunity, what to look for...

    LTC, things to look for. 2 CNAs for 22 pt is OK, whatever the number of CNAs on the floor, more than 11-12 pt/CNA is too much. Ask about teamwork. You will never be able to do your job if you can't...
  6. I was told one time that I had hypothyroidism, for the three month period they spent watching my tyroid levels (they said it was mild and they didn't want to start me on anything yet) I ate about 5000...
  7. Vegetarian being asked to dissect a cat !

    Hey, payback's a b*&%@!
  8. About to give up on being a nurse

    Lorel, I was thinking about you while I was waiting for a bus today. Imagine that! And I don't think I really have a good grasp on what you are dealing with in your marriage, but I am going to assume...
  9. Vegetarian being asked to dissect a cat !

    Come to think of it, we did have to dissect a person for A&P, well actually assist one and handle all the organs and put them back. I must have pushed that one back into some far off corner of my...
  10. I HATE nursing! (long)

    I've noticed that there are a lot of research jobs out there for RNs. Some through hospitals, others through companies. Might be worth a
  11. My 1st Mistake

    why was the cna suspended? It seems like he/she reported it on coming on
  12. About to give up on being a nurse

    I think NancyK made a very good point. The facts are the facts. You need to sit down and distance yourself from the religion, husband, kids, etc. issue and make a decision about yourself. These issues...
  13. 77% Rule

    100% on drug calc? I can see why that's important but if we did that in my school we wouldn't have any students left. An uncorrected mistake in lab or clinicals can get you booted out so ultimately...
  14. question about insulin, heparin injections

    Thanks. It makes a lot of sense to me to double check but the fact that the facility I worked in didn't made me kind of worried that that was the norm and I would be thrown into a situation where I...
  15. I'm doing lab right now on injections and we are being taught that when we draw up heparin or insulin we have to go to another nurse and have the dose and med confirmed. I have never seen that done...