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About PrettyPlease88

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  1. St. Paul's School of Nursing - Spring 2015

    I would advise u get a binder. Something u can keep adding to. If you are taking therapeutic communications with Dr.D your first term, you can get away with a spiral notebook with her. She literally...
  2. St. Paul's School of Nursing - Spring 2015

    Finals mode all the way right now. Our last final is monday for Med-surg. Say a little prayer for all of
  3. St. Paul's School of Nursing - Spring 2015

    Bkmom, we don't have a spring break i can't remember If we have Good Friday off. They gave us quite a few snow days in the beginning of the spring semester so there were days we were suppose to be...
  4. St. Paul's School of Nursing - Spring 2015

    All the students were complaining. Granted, you change answers on the exam, but when you go over it and you KNOW you put down one answer and your scantron is given to you with another. Something is...
  5. St. Paul's School of Nursing - Spring 2015

    We just got rid of a teacher last semester who was changing answers on her students exams. Some of those students who "failed" her class are retaking medsurg and peds with me so i beg to differ. Some...
  6. St. Paul's School of Nursing - Spring 2015

    Okay I see what you're saying.
  7. St. Paul's School of Nursing - Spring 2015

    Wait, you guys have to take classes in the
  8. St. Paul's School of Nursing - Spring 2015

    Your books and uniform are not included in your tuition. If you get money left over from your award through fafsa then the school may cut u a book voucher from it if you wish. If that isn't the case,...
  9. St.Pauls School Jan 2015

    I will be honest with you, If I applied to another school and got accepted, I would've chosen the other. But every school is different and has their own headaches. How I see it now is that i'm here to...
  10. St. Paul's School of Nursing - Spring 2015

    If you can't make those times they will work with you and put you with another group of students. We just Got the short end of the stick because out clinical instructor quit and they had trouble...
  11. St. Paul's School of Nursing - Spring 2015

    To be honest it was quite rough because the school made us retake our first exam half way through the semester and clinicals got messed up too. So instead of doing peds and medsurg clinicals on wed...
  12. St. Paul's School of Nursing - Spring 2015

    Which campus are u all attending? I'm in my second semester at the Rego Park campus. If you're attending the campus in queens, i look forward to meeting all of
  13. St.Pauls School Jan 2015

    Hello, i'm currently attending St. Pauls. Have any of you applied/been accepted to other schools? If so, I strongly advise you to consider attending one of those nursing
  14. Do you attend St. Pauls? If so inbox
  15. Should I wear this to the next staff meeting?

    I am a PCT and i can related to this shirt so much. So many times i've witness safety not being a priority or number