

Obstetrics, LDRP

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About RusticSandy

RusticSandy specializes in Obstetrics, LDRP.

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  1. How does an experienced nurse transition to Ob/gyn nursing?

    I wrote a unique cover letter that highlighted my passion for L&D and how my experience would benefit me while changing roles. I emailed that and my resume directly to the manager of the unit....
  2. How acceptable are odd hairstyles?

    It really depends on the program and how easily you are able to hide it. My program can be pretty strict about things like that. My advice is to see if you can get a copy of the handbook; it should...
  3. Paying for Nursing School?!

    Waitressing sucks, but you make good money!! Treat everyone as nice as you would treat your best friend and keep a positive attitude. Don't begrudge people if they don't tip you; it's not worth it. If...
  4. Best Places to Buy/Rent Student Books >> they always have the cheapest prices and I have rented and purchased many times and have never had a problem. Sometimes the shipping is slower, but not crazy. is...
  5. Instructor won't allow us to use our own calculator for math test?

    I honestly don't think it's really a big deal. My school also provides calculators for our math tests and they are really cheap ones - I have never had a problem with it registering what I'm typing. I...
  6. Failed my 1st Fundamentals Exam

    Neither did I, but it's the spirit of the thing. Usually the first exam in a new class is the hardest for me because I don't know what to
  7. hand written class notes vs typed

    I have always felt this way about handwriting things. I use an iPad for pretty much everything for school, but I take handwritten notes on it. I also tend to make out my own flash cards rather than...
  8. Test Ethics Question

  9. Failed my 1st Fundamentals Exam

    One big thing that is true for all of the nursing tests I've ever seen is that you have to really READ the questions. If you are allowed to write on your tests, underline things, highlight them,...
  10. First Clinical Day!

    Today we had our first clinical day! I haven't got the chance to tell anyone about it so I'll tell everyone on here. The floor I was on was pretty chill - no one was running around crazy or anything....
  11. microbiology prereqs broward college

    I do not,
  12. microbiology prereqs broward college

    I feel like I didn't learn anything in Micro. So far I haven't felt at any disadvantage. The funny thing is I got an A in the class, but the teacher was very boring and nothing he said seemed very...
  13. Everyone has given you awesome advice. I would like to add that you should seriously look into waitressing (at a GOOD place). Even at Perkins (where I started) I made way more than I would have at an...
  14. Kent State Nursing Program?

    KSU!!! I do not go to main. I go to one of the branches. If main won't take you, you could always apply to another branch! I like going to the branch because it is close to my home and it is...
  15. Need Advice!!!

    How many prereqs does your college have? We only had one year of a four year degree in prereqs (Even then, I think it was only four classes total). It IS hard because a lot of it is not something you...