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All Content by Cupycake

  1. KCC ADN and PRCN Program

    It's a little scary to be starting already lol.. everything happened so fast now it's like being thrown into the program. I'm sure the next 6 months will fly by for you. And you're still so young! I wish I knew what I wanted to do at 19-20 years old ...
  2. KCC ADN and PRCN Program

    Yeah, I go to KCC. The Manoa application is actually easier than the KCC application :) All you really have to submit is the self-evaluation checklist and a hard copy of your TEAS scores. Oh, and don't forget to turn in the UH system application at l...
  3. KCC ADN and PRCN Program

    I know.. only 18 is crazy! I guess they didn't have enough instructors? Hopefully they'll start having more seats open again
  4. UH Manoa Nursing Fall 2014

    Congrats Kiana!!! I think we all have a busy but exciting road ahead of us :)
  5. UH Manoa Nursing Fall 2014

    I think I will still go pick up my letter tomorrow, but now I can at least walk in and be like whatever haha.. True.. I also like that KCC doesn't use the plus/minus grading system so that's another plus. I will definitely go on to get my BSN at Mano...
  6. KCC ADN and PRCN Program

    Thanks! And don't give up guys! If it's something you really want I'm sure you'll get it (: I got into the ADN program (: I think they only accepted 18 students for Fall semester cuz that's what it says for class availability for NURS 210, but I'm no...
  7. UH Manoa Nursing Fall 2014

    Thanks guys! I am leaning more towards KCC because of cost.. but idk! Do you know if they both have the same student to teacher ratio? I'd prefer to go to the one with a smaller class size but maybe they're the same.
  8. UH Manoa Nursing Fall 2014

    JUST GOT MY ACCEPTANCE FOR KCC! Woohoo!! You were right Ellers! Now if I get accepted by UH I'll have a tough decision to make on which school to attend! At least I have acceptance from one school...whew!
  9. KCC ADN and PRCN Program

    Hey guys, I got accepted!!! Just got my letter today!! Totally wasn't expecting to be admitted!!! You guys should be getting your letters soon too! Good luck!
  10. UH Manoa Nursing Fall 2014

    Thanks, I hope you're right! I'm pretty sure I won't get into KCC though The advisor told me that it is very unlikely that I'll get in, even with perfect scores, if I'm not a resident. Wish they would have some exception for people who were born, gr...
  11. UH Manoa Nursing Fall 2014

    Haha, that is so mean! I thought acceptance into UH depended on acceptance into the nursing program? So if the nursing program didn't accept you neither would the university? Idk... does anybody know how they look at TEAS scores? Do they only look at...
  12. UH Manoa Nursing Fall 2014

    Ellers, did you also get an email from office of admissions saying you're accepted to UH and welcome, etc.?
  13. UH Manoa Nursing Fall 2014

    Haha I know!! I have an exam tomorrow and I can't even concentrate on studying for it! lol. I wanted to go down there today but they said my letter wouldn't be ready before Fri.... uggghhhhhhh!!
  14. UH Manoa Nursing Fall 2014

    Congrats Ellers!! You must be so excited! You went to the Office of Admissions to pick up your packet? I called Admissions earlier and they said that they don't think my letter would arrive before Fri I don't get why they would mail out the forms s...
  15. UH Manoa Nursing Fall 2014

    Omg and it's April fools! HAHA. Why must they play with our heads like this?! I still think it's a good sign for us! But at the same time I don't wanna get my hopes up ...sigh This is torture lol
  16. UH Manoa Nursing Fall 2014

    I still haven't gotten the letter BUT I did get an email today from the Office of Admissions saying I got accepted into UH! I hope that means I got accepted into the nursing program! I won't believe it until I see the letter though! This better not b...
  17. UH Manoa Nursing Fall 2014

    Thanks for the update! Mine was probably sent out today too then. I think if mine doesn't come by Weds I'll just go there and pick up my letter in person! No way I can wait any longer! Lol
  18. Csula Fall 2014 applicants..

    Just dropping by to say aloha from Hawaii I didn't apply in CA just following the post and rooting for you guys. Hawaii forum is kinda dead.. and I'm incredibly bored waiting for my letter GOOD LUCK
  19. UH Manoa Nursing Fall 2014

    Maybe they send letters out to CC students after UHM students? Did the Office of Admissions even work during spring break?? Cuz if they did the letters should have gotten here by now. Lorie, did the letter come in just a regular size, white envelope...
  20. UH Manoa Nursing Fall 2014

    I haven't gotten a letter yet either and it's driving me crazy. Either my letter got lost in transit again or they send rejection/wait list letters out last Or maybe they just haven't finished sending out all the letters yet, but idk why they wouldn...
  21. UH Manoa Nursing Fall 2014

    @lorie Congrats!! You deserved it!! I haven't received anything yet :/ What part of the island do you live? I live in Kailua so I hope it doesn't take much longer to get here. I just want to know already! Even if it's a denial letter I just want to ...
  22. UH Manoa Nursing Fall 2014

    Don't worry, luffle, you still have a chance at Manoa. It's KCC that doesn't accept non-residents. I read somewhere in the Hawaii forum that Manoa might give 1 extra point to residents (not sure if they still do that since it was an old post), but if...
  23. UH Manoa Nursing Fall 2014

    I know how you feel lol. I'm getting really nervous now cause it's already the 23rd and it seems like people who applied for Fall semester the past 2 years already got their letters by this time (for Manoa, not sure about KCC)
  24. UH Manoa Nursing Fall 2014

    I know! It would be nice if they could tell us exactly how their point system works and what scores the most points on the application. Then at least we would all have a better idea of where we stand. I know of some schools on the mainland that actua...
  25. UH Manoa Nursing Fall 2014

    Hi kiana! YAy another fellow Manoa applicant :) Hey.. you never know! Those straight A's probably do help! Are you going to try taking the TEAS? I took both the NLN and the TEAS and ended up doing better on the TEAS so I used that one for my applicat...