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All Content by sha20sha00

  1. Feeling Overwhelmed

    thankfully since i have completed all of my pre-reqs that many of these programs i will be able to advance straight to the core classes of the programs!!
  2. Feeling Overwhelmed

    Hi all, I am beginning to feel a bit overwhelmed with applying to schools. I am located in Jacksonville and I have applied to Keiser, Kaplan, and Chamberlain. I have taken the TEAS V test 2 times and still need to pass the science portion because I k...
  3. Feeling Overwhelmed

    hi i have completed all of my pre-reqs already so now i am just trying to find any school to start my RN program with.
  4. Feeling Overwhelmed

    Hi thanks for your response. Yes I chose those because FSCJ the cc in my area is very hard to get into because it is the only cc in the area and is a very limited program with prefence given to emt, paramedics, corpsman 1st then regular applicants an...