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All Content by kkcriner

  1. Anyone Applying to Spring 2014 Texas Tech 2nd Degree BSN

    I got in!! Woohoo!!!
  2. Anyone Applying to Spring 2014 Texas Tech 2nd Degree BSN

    I was one of the first interviews on Monday and I met some pretty cool people. Everyone seems to "average out" as in some people's GPAs are slightly lower than others but then their TEAS scores are slightly higher than others. It also seems to be e...
  3. Anyone Applying to Spring 2014 Texas Tech 2nd Degree BSN

    Yes, I have to find my proof too and email it. I'm glad I have already completed the fingerprinting though-one less thing to worry about!
  4. Anyone Applying to Spring 2014 Texas Tech 2nd Degree BSN

    My interview is Monday morning as well. I'm curious as to how many people applied?
  5. Anyone Applying to Spring 2014 Texas Tech 2nd Degree BSN

    Lilochik- your stats look pretty good?... Don't they only ask you a few questions in the interview for a total of like 15 min? Does anyone have any insight on the interview or a student profile of last year?
  6. Anyone Applying to Spring 2014 Texas Tech 2nd Degree BSN

    This is for the 2014 spring semester-austin right? I have an interview for late October and am wondering what everyone else's stats were- thanks!