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  1. I was wondering how things are going for the
  2. Seven Hells: Vent

    To quote Angelica Pickles-you'd better be kidding Like I said it's the generation of
  3. Seven Hells: Vent

    This younger generation thinks they are entitled to things-they don't believe they should have to work for what they want. The OP of this thread is a perfect example of what I am talking about. Her...
  4. Ok, I am a little creeped out!

  5. Ok, I am a little creeped out!

    There always has to be a few wet blankets in these types of threads. and then we have the
  6. Ok, I am a little creeped out!

    Yes it is. Like someone said, if you have a problem remove yourself from this
  7. Modest or Over-Sensitive

    so we blame the
  8. Ok, I am a little creeped out!

    Wow. this is just
  9. How did you pay off your student debt?

  10. Moved mom out of house: The story continues

    My Dad was spineless too-the motto was as long as she wasn't coming after me it was okay to abuse someone else in the family. Mon had borderline personality disorder. Funny thing is that she alienated...
  11. Moved mom out of house: The story continues

    My Mom was abused as a child so I think that's why she was the way she was. In my case I have never married or had kids so I don't have to worry about passing it down to another
  12. Moved mom out of house: The story continues

    I was emotionally, verbally and physically abused by my Mom too and at 54 years of age I still have painful memories of the **** she used to do. I also have panic attacks-in fact I've been diagnosed...
  13. What's Your Best Nursing Ghost Story?

    My sister lives in a NH-it's old. It the Union Printers Home in Colorado Springs. Anyway, she says there are 2 ladies in white that roam the building-one on the basement floor and one on the 4th...
  14. I maybe in trouble, HIPPA Violation

    Nothing like reviving a 2 year old thread,.
  15. Questions for Planned Parenthood Nurses

    I live in the Springs. The shooter first started off shooting at random cars and then headed to