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About orionsbelt123

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  1. RN Pay in Orlando

    I have to agree with caroladybelle. I moved here from New York 13 yrs ago for the children and while the move has been wonderful for them, I have been miserable as a nurse here. The ratios should be criminal: 3:1 ICU, 6:1 PCU and 8:1 MS at least at t...
  2. Relocation/Jobs in Portland area

    Thank you LoveMyBugs for taking the time to respond to my post. It's good to know my options aren't so dismal. After reading all the posts here it was starting to sound like Portland had an impossibly competitive job market. Thanks and take care.
  3. Relocation/Jobs in Portland area

    Hello starcallerchrys, I see that you've asked the same questions on different posts so I'm aware you have gotten most of your questions answered, so please don't feel as though you have been ignored. I promise that is not the case. I have been foll...
  4. Relocation/Jobs in Portland area

    Thank you matsalleh for all the wonderful leads. You have hospitals listed there in outlying areas that I have never heard of and would never have considered until now. Thank you for taking the time to answer my questions. I'm very greatful. You guys...
  5. Relocation/Jobs in Portland area

    Thank you Student Mom to Three on the heads up regarding Vancouver. I will keep that option in mind. Thanks also for the heads up on the payscale. Thank you so much for taking the time to answer my questions, Much appreciated.
  6. Relocation/Jobs in Portland area

    Hello to all, I currently live in Florida and will be relocating to Portland within the year. I have been trolling the boards for sometime now and have a question: I know that jobs are hard to come by in the area but I have 13 years of Nursing experi...
  7. Home Health RN Pay Per Visit HELP

    Hi [COLOR=#003366]jennle83, I know this is an old post but can you tell me what agency you work for in Central Florida? I live in the Orlando area and am looking for a good HH agency as per diem. Thank you
  8. start if care oasis time frames.

    Hello Squeegee, is it possible for you to email me a copy of that cheatsheet? You have to have 15 posts to PM and I just joined today. Thanks for your time. [email protected]