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All Content by Kevin57

  1. why are you going the LPN route?

    I went with LPN because I wanted to make sure I was comfortable with the work before making a huge commitment that I may regret. The program I went through was ten months at a public technical school. No waiting and only a $5k investment. Also consid...
  2. Thoughts on "Life and Death in Assisted Living"?

    Nope. I was at clinicals observing the med pass. Clients who self-administer don't get meds from the drug cart. I was observing the entire mess directly as it happened, that's why I was repeatedly told "you didn't see that." They knew they were effin...
  3. Thoughts on "Life and Death in Assisted Living"?

    I'm also an LPN student and spent a clinical day in an ALF this past week. Here's my journal entry from that day: "At (name of ALF redacted). Today was a real eye opener. Wow. What a hot mess that place is. Probably saw a dozen med errors today (poss...