
HelloWish ADN, BSN

IMCU, Oncology

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About HelloWish

HelloWish has 3 years experience as a ADN, BSN and specializes in IMCU, Oncology.

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  1. As a new nurse I went in early to research my patients, but I clocked in for it. I don't do my job without getting paid. Now as an experienced nurse, I don't need to do that. Also experienced nurses...
  2. Another thread about burn out

    Those billing and coding courses are a scam unfortunately. If you are interested in that type of work, something like utilization review may be a good job to look into. I don't know how much...
  3. I had a needle stick by a patient positive with Hepatitis C (it was a non-coring mediport needle). I was okay, never contracted it. I then had another needle stick by safety pin that had been removed...
  4. Forgot to unclamp the secondary

    This is a common mistake with experienced nurses. I have just learned to go back and check later on to make sure everything has run as it should if possible. If I catch another nurses mistake who is...
  5. Is 63 to old to start nursing school?

    I have a friend who was I think 60 when we went through nursing school together. She does pediatric private duty now. She is very physically active for her age. I think there is a lot to think about...
  6. Possible exposure to syphilis

    Notify employee health. They will know and reassure
  7. Progressive Care Nursing - Interview with Linda Bay

    I am fortunate, our IMCU is 3:1. I interviewed at a couple of other hospitals near me which do 4:1 and they even took on sicker patients than we do at my current
  8. What is it like to work in a good hospital?

    I work at a good hospital and in a good unit too. They have a 94% employee retention rate at my hospital. You can ask the hospital about employee retention when you are looking for a position. They do...
  9. Writing HR to improve chances of getting job

    Congrats! No it is not aggressive. I am not an aggressive person and every job I have gotten I emailed HR or the person I interviewed with to thank them for the interview and express my strong...
  10. I should be happy with this new "dream" job

    This sounds like a nice job. However, maybe you would feel more satisfied by adding a PRN job at the hospital. Then later you can decide if you want to move out of your current job. Office nursing...
  11. Help! I Can't Get Rid of My Dark Cloud

    A walk on a nature trail or floating in a swimming pool all by myself, although to shut my mind off I have to get lost in
  12. Taking manual bp on forearm

    BPs often have to be taken in the forearm. If you have a patient with a mastectomy and cannot take the BP in that arm and the patient has a PICC line in the other arm, what do you do? Either the...
  13. Seeking therapy

    Most hospitals offer Employee Assistance Programs as part of their benefits package, which are a certain amount of therapy sessions per year covered by your employer. Furthermore, no one will know you...
  14. What's your favorite nursing task?

    Removing stitches and pain management. I like finding the right way to give pain meds that reduces the patient's pain when other nurses haven't been able
  15. Does ANYONE like the hospital?

    I think it depends on the hospital, the culture, and your coworkers. I am working in a Intermediate Care Unit. The hospital is in a nice location, and while I do take care of the critically ill, the...