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  1. Fall 2015 CSUEB

    The books in the book bundles will cover you for the first year and a few books carry onto the 2nd year with some rotations like periop, geriatrics, and medical. There's other things like kaplan, simchart, SLS, all of these things are online product...
  2. Fall 2015 CSUEB

    Concord graduates 1 quarter earlier than Hayward. During the 3rd year they take classes in the summer. Here's a link to the roadmap http://www20.csueastbay.edu/csci/departments/nursing/files/docs/concord-roadmap.pdf
  3. Fall 2015 CSUEB

    CSUEB admits around 120-130 students total Half goes to the Hayward campus and the other half goes to the Concord campus.
  4. Fall 2015 CSUEB

    For patho and pharm you'll have 10 weeks to learn it which might seem short if you're coming from a semester system. But the professor Julie (Hayward campus) is an awesome teacher and is straightforward. There are 2 midterms and 1 final so if you do ...
  5. Fall 2015 CSUEB

    Hi there! I'm a current nursing student at CSUEB and I really do like this program. Overall great instructors but the classes can feel a bit faced paced due to the quarter system. I was able to live on campus but I'm from SSF and I have other classm...
  6. csueb admission change

    The 10 points for native students are just "extra" points, similar to the 5 points for knowing another language & 5 points working in a health care setting. The main points they take into consideration is the gpa (50 points) and the teas (40 poi...