Lady Santos

Lady Santos

Acute Medicine, Emergency & Perinatal

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All Content by Lady Santos

  1. Happy birthday to me! 35 years old and a new nurse!

    Happiest birthday to you and congratulations on your accomplishments thus far!!
  2. Failed my 2014 CRNE

    Hi, LanaAd! I, too, was in the same position as you 4 months ago when I received a fail letter from CRNE. Just imagine opening that letter on the eve of my birthday, hoping to see a pass. Well, it did not turn out the way I have hoped. I did mourn...
  3. June 4th CRNE

    This was my second time writing the CRNE, and thank goodness it is over and I passed! In my first attempt, I was well prepared, studied all the contents and did many practice questions. But when the time came to write the exam, I read the questions...
  4. June 4th CRNE

    I'm from Vancouver and I passed!!
  5. June 4th CRNE

    For CRNBC registrants: Click on this link (, sign-in and it will direct you to Available Online Services. Click on Register for an Exam - are you able to register and choose a location for the October exam? If s...
  6. June 4th CRNE

    For British Columbians, I went to CRNBC's website and clicked 'Home » Registration & Renewal » Registered Nurse Application » BC Educated Nurses' and then it asked me to create an account or log on to my account. From there it says 'Make Payment...
  7. June 4th CRNE

    Any BC candidates in this forum who can validate this tip? If I were to log onto CRNBC's website and click 'Exam Registration', will I be able to register for the upcoming October sitting?