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All Content by siroisco

  1. Hi all, I'm currently a working RN with my Associates and have been an ER nurse for 2 years. I've been searching and talking to NP's and PA's alike but am getting conflicting information and am unclear about which route I need to take to be able to g...
  2. Question? PA vs NP to work with healthy newborns in OB?

    Do you know what kind of PA he is?
  3. Question? PA vs NP to work with healthy newborns in OB?

    How do NP programs vary between PNP and NNP? Also, I won't have my BSN until December 2014. I have heard that any NP program is going to a DNP "by 2015"... does that mean that it would be more worthwhile and less time consuming to go the PA route?
  4. Question? PA vs NP to work with healthy newborns in OB?

    Oh, I forgot to mention that I am doing my RN-BSN this Spring which I will obtain by December 2014.