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  1. Long term care desk nurse?

    It is very important in LTC to know the paperwork and procedures. I wish our facility had a process that you are describing. Once you have the paperwork down then you should start with med passes,...
  2. residents that smoke

    We are a smoke free facility and all residents are told prior to admission. If they are alert, oriented, can sign themselves out, and take themselves out then they can smoke. Staff can not assist...
  3. What is "Capstone"?

    In the ADN program that I completed the Capstone was the last week of school. We chose an area of nursing that we were interested in and then found a preceptor that agreed to work with us in that...
  4. Medicare Charting

    We do daily charting on Medicare. Hall A is done by dayshift, Hall B by PM's. They rotate halls every week. Vitals are done daily. Every shift does charting plus vitals if the pt is on an...
  5. Charting meds while pt is out on pass

    It would depend on your facilities policy but we initial then circle our initials. Then on the back of the MAR chart "med got given d/t pt being out of facility" or meds sent with pt. Then we chart...
  6. 30 day notice?

    The worst that can happen is they will put you on a do not rehire list. Basically you got do what you got to do. I would not risk not getting the new
  7. Barrier cream around wound edge

    Barrier cream is a great idea. It will protect the area from further breadown. If the drainage is excessive you could try a thin layer of a zinc based protective barrier. I am so sorry that your...
  8. MRSA and CDIFF= VRE???

    Your co-workers are misinformed. They are different organisms and you won't find the info documented because it is not possible. Also, good for you for not believing everything that you are told. I...
  9. Just like Suebird I have only worked LTC. First as a LPN and now as a RN. I knew deep down that Hospital nursing was not right for me. I love LTC. It is very rewarding. I did not allow myself to...
  10. What would you do in my situation?

    I would be upfront with any facility that you are applying. It cost a great deal of money to train a new nurse and a lot of time. The LTC I work gives new grads a minimum of 3 weeks of training and...
  11. I always float heels even if they have an alternating
  12. So this is Infection Control?

    Your recourse if calling the Department of Public Health. If your are concerned about someone finding out that you called then tell no one. Not even your best friend. You do not have to give your...
  13. So this is Infection Control?

    Literally ran out of food??? Call the Department of Public Health! The facility should have gone out and bought paper towels, food etc while they waited for the supplies. If I have read your post...
  14. Elder Abuse??????

    The facility is responsible for meeting the residents needs if the family won't. I believe that the family can not dictate the care. For example if this resident had a pressure ulcer and the family...
  15. Is it ever ok to force a resident to change?

    If I were you I would get the ok from the D.O.N, Social Services, and the family. I clear plan should be in place to protect you, the pt, and your facility. All interventions need to be clearly...