
Tori17 BSN, LVN

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  1. Cali NCLEX-PN result timeline

    Pvt worked for me.. Thanks for this site... I passed my
  2. Cali NCLEX-PN result timeline

    @shesanurse congrats! When did u took your nclex? Mine was may 11 and still
  3. Passed nclex-rn & did pv trick 2015

    @babyvoxx did pvt trick work for u? Did u pass nclex?
  4. @cherrybee Godbless
  5. @cherrybee.. Ur welcome.. Thanks a lot..
  6. Hi! @cherrybee. Nope! I'm from north
  7. Hi! @cherrybee.. Hope u will receive ur elig.this week..
  8. hi! @cherrybee. I'm using sauders too. Yes! They sent me declaration papers on my 3rd week of application and after a week they sent me my eligibility.. I dont have date yet for my exam..hopefully on...
  9. Hi! @Cherrybee, for sure youre going to receive your eligibility this sept.. Gudluck n Godbless.. Are you starting to review nclex-pn? What's your reviewers if you dont mind?
  10. Hi! @cherrybee, they send me declaration papers and send it right away. The BON didnt transfer my application. When did you apply for
  11. Hi! @cherrybee i submitted my LVN requirements last May and i received my eligibility last June for just a
  12. Graduation Time!!!!

    Hi! Mwillis3 whats ATI Comp?
  13. Help:whats the best reviwers for Nclex-pn

    @jennifer_gail thanks for the reply.. Very much
  14. Hi! Everyone.. I would like to ask whats the best reviewers for nclexpn.. I have reviewers for nclex rn but im thinking if there's a big difference for the nclexrn n nclexpn? I really need your help.....
  15. Graduation Time!!!!

    Hi! Mwillis3 i would like to ask, whats ur reviewers for nclexpn?