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All Content by Qwinbee

  1. Studied constantly, still got a D on first test.

    I'm a visual and auditory learning. I would watch videos. As I read the ch I would also be listening to the recorder. I woluld then reread my notes as the recorder played the,. I'm wondering how you can process the material if you are reading while ...
  2. your original post left me a bit perplex. at times, you seem a bit arrogant yet insecure. in all honesty, it seems that you're looking for validation that it was Ok to be condescending to your difficult patient because he was an ex-addict/illiterat...
  3. Please Help RN to Med School Advice

    Have you consider being Physician Assistant, I think that's more in line with your desire to be a medical doctor. When I was in High school, I know I had never heard of Physician Assistants, I just knew of doctor and nurses, cna and medical assistant...
  4. Want to quit nursing school with 9 months left

    Honey, if you feel that strongly about it, then Quit! This your life for you to live and enjoy. Please don't even entertain the thought of ending your life. Killing yourself is not an option, Quitting nursing school is! go see your academic counsel...
  5. So many nursing majors in my class!

    I think OP needs to be more concern with getting that 4.0 in his/her nursing pre-requisite courses than worrying about others' motive for pursuing nursing. A seat in any nursing program is earned not given. it's not earned by passion, it's earned by...
  6. So many nursing majors in my class!

    I don't understand why some people feel the need to questions other people's motive for choosing a career in nursing. it seems that some folks want to get into nursing but they don't want the competition. they don't want to compete for a spot in a ...
  7. Is Nursing right for me?

    What's with the sarcasm? yes, she can prescribe as a nurse practitioner base on her state laws but not just if she's just a RN adn or bsn. I think people come to this public forum seeking more information from people in the field. The nursing field c...