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All Content by Sony1214

  1. Working as an LVN in RN school

    Hello everyone. I am new to the site so I hope I get a response. I graduate from the LVN program last year and I am currently working for a home health agency. I am enrolled in the RN program and so far it has been okay because home health is very ea...
  2. Future of LPN career?

    Sorry about my typos, I am on my phone, but I say go for it! Good luck :)
  3. Future of LPN career?

    I agree with the other user, it depends on your area! Here in California, most LPN/LVN are being phased out of hospitals, but they are being used a lot in rehabilitation centers, clinics, long term care, home health and other areas as well! If you're...
  4. Gurnick lvn progam 2013

    Yes good luck! Congratulations on passing the placement exam! :) good things are ahead for you!
  5. Gurnick lvn progam 2013

    Yeah I have a friend who is an LVN and unfortunately her school was not accredited. She wants to pursue her RN and if she wants to, she has to start over from the beginning instead of a transition program so best of luck!
  6. PS.. It is possible to make it work, I used to study at my boyfriends house in his bedroom while he would hang out with his friends watching games in the living room, even though we weren't having one on one time, it was nice to know he was near me. ...
  7. You won't know until you are actually experiencing it, unless you don't want to be with him already, don't break it off for something that hasn't even happened yet. You may be over thinking it right now, imagining what could happen, if he discourages...
  8. First Job - Not A Great Facility, Take It Or No?

    Take the job, it will make u a stronger nurse, they will know you hve thick skin for being able to handle a place like that!!
  9. Staying in Shape

    I agree soooo much with u! Not only do you have less energy when buying food out, but it starts to take a toll on your wallet!!! I promised myself I would make my lunch for school every single day (this way I could eat healthier and save money) I tol...
  10. Discouraged about Nursing school

    Hello, I am an LVN. I tried to do LVN to RN, but unfortunately, my school only accepted 10 Students for the bridge program, within the same month, I got accepted to the traditional RN program. I accepted because here in California, the competition to...
  11. Gurnick lvn progam 2013

    Hey I haven't attended that school, but I just want to make sure, if you are planning I eventually get your BSN, make sure your school is accredited and make sure your units will transfer when you're done! :) good luck with everything! Going back to ...
  12. "Doing too much"

    All I have to say is that misery loves company, when people are miserable, they want others to be miserable with them! I am going to keep this short and simple, you will know when you are doing too much, your body and mind will tell you. Until then, ...
  13. Pre-nursing student...beginning clinicals. Very nervous!!

    You're not alone! Everyone feels that at some point or another! You go into your first day of clinical and you're just like "I don't know anything!" and then someone might as you something you don't know! Keep it simple, act confident and say "Ill fi...
  14. Working as an LVN in RN school

    When you take your NCLEX your license # should pop up on the boards website and you can apply for jobs with just your license #! Usually they do not require the hard license. Yes you can work home health as a CNA, in my state CNAs who work HHC are re...
  15. Working as an LVN in RN school

    what scares me is the exhaustion! I am very good with turning down shifts and saying no when I need to! yikes.... makes HHC sound really appealing right about now!
  16. Working as an LVN in RN school

    Thanks girl! I will keep you posted on what I decide!! you've been very helpful!:)
  17. Working as an LVN in RN school

    Thank you. I do appreciate that. The SNF is offering me $2 more than the home health agency I am currently at, however HH is almost no labor! Decisions, decisions!! I question if whether or not $2 is worth the stress...I know I will learn a lot at t...
  18. August 2013 Caption Contest: Win $100!

    hahaah this is my favorite one so far.
  19. Working as an LVN in RN school

    Well I have to work as well and I just wasn't sure if working in a nursing home would be too harsh on me mentally and physically. I hear long term care can be very stressful (dealing w med pass, familes, charting, admissions, doctors, d/c etc) I hav...