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All Content by frances81

  1. Rural Nursing - How long do most nurses stay?

    I should clarify - I'm not a new grad, I was just referring how I know many new grads have that mentality. I've been working in LTC mostly for the past 3 years. I've been applying to more rural areas as there's not much opportunity for external hires...
  2. Rural Nursing - How long do most nurses stay?

    I guess the question goes for all jobs really. I know a lot of new grads are looking to put in that one year in med-surg and move on. Although rural nursing is harder to find ppl for.
  3. So is there really a nursing shortage?

  4. Is nursing for me ?

    You liked chemistry. You don't like nursing but you believe you'd like research nursing. if it were me, I'd go back to chemistry - even if it were contract work - and continue to apply for research positions from a place of relative comfort knowing t...
  5. Public Health Interview Questions

    Thanks. It's actually a generalist PHN position in a small town so it would encompass all aspects/ types of public health: well baby, maternal, sexual/ reproductive health & sti's, travel, disease control, health promotion & teaching initiati...
  6. So I've landed a phone interview in 3 days time for PHN position! Dream job!!! Not dream location though :S It's in the middle of the mountains in a small coal mining town 4.5 away from any family; being a single mom of a toddler that matters to me....
  7. Single Mom Advice Needed

    Thanks so much unknownjulie and everyone for the support :)
  8. Single Mom Advice Needed

    0Hi all, I'm feeling stuck and really unsure what to do - and have been for some time now. Situation: I'm an RN and single mom to a 13 month old. My maternity leave's ended and I'm unsure how to proceed regarding work/ job search in Alberta. Backgrou...
  9. Single Mom RN - Help Please

    Hi all, I'm feeling stuck and really unsure what to do - and have been for some time now. Situation: I'm an RN and single mom to a 13 month old. My maternity leave's ended and I'm unsure how to proceed regarding work/ job search in Edmonton. Backgrou...
  10. Single Mom RN - Help Please

    Thanks so much everyone, I was stressing out but am feeling more hopeful. I just got a call for a FT M-F clinic position interview tomorrow! Fingers crossed!!! And I appreciate the other leads as well.
  11. Hi, I've got a 2 part question: -Has anyone got experience/ know how the LDR training positions work at the RAH in Edmonton? There's a job posting for a training position but not much info. I have my practical perinatal theory through a distance cour...
  12. LDR Training Position - Royal Alexandra Hospital

    Before I had my baby, I was working on getting my perinatal specialty through BCIT. I took the NRP course in Vancouver. Cost about $500 or so. I'm sure it's offered here as well.
  13. Single Mom Advice Needed

    Thanks, appreciate the support - I'll try all of that. Unfortunately not in a great job market presently. (not.done.yet- I've tried for CS twice now but both times my ex makes things so horrible/ takes me to court for custody that I've realized it's...
  14. Single Mom RN - Help Please

    True - that's why I was considering a different career. You're right, unfortunately LDR is really more of a dream at this point of my life but hoping one day down the road perhaps. Luckily daycare centres open earlier here (630am is easier to find) ...
  15. 12 hr shifts and the single mom

    Regarding nannies, all the nannies in my area are *at minimum* $10.25/hrbut generally between $12-15 up to $20. Even at only $10/hour for full-time of 160hours, that's $1600. Basically an entire take home pay checks I don't understand how a single pa...
  16. RN and Single Mother--sky high child care costs

    Did you ever figure child care out? I ask because I'm in the same situation í ½í¸“
  17. Single Mom RN - Help Please

    Unfortunately not in any way that could be regularly counted on. They'll help all they can but they both have unpredictable jobs and my mom lives outside of town on an acreage.
  18. Handing Resumes to Managers In Person

    following! also in edmonton and wondering the exact same thing as well!
  19. I can't find a JOB!! I'm so discouraged

    OP: Any updates? How are you and your family? I pray you're doing better.
  20. I can't find a JOB!! I'm so discouraged

    This is so depressing. As a single mother I know this same struggle. I was lucky to find casual LTC work when I graduated during a major nursing depression on the west coast a few years ago. But now that I've got a baby and my SO broke-up, I've no id...
  21. New Grad RN can't find work!

    Nobu, where did you end up finding work? I also recently graduated from UVIC and haven't heard a beep Scary coz I'm so broke and pretty depressing considering everything I'd heard for years about the nursing shortage, and how easy it would be to fi...
  22. Too much fluff in nursing programs?

    Victoria's Nursing Program = Fluffy *********!!!!!!
  23. Looking into moving to Victoria

    I wouldn't count on it. I graduated from UVIC this past spring and still haven't gotten in with VIHA. They're bumping RN lines and hiring RCA's and LPN's at the moment. They only hired 40-50% of new grads for the New Grad Positions this year, down fr...