

tele, ICU, CVICU

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All Content by crazin01

  1. out with injury and more

    I think the special shoe is still a risk for your position on your floor & facility won't allow you back until you're 100% & you have a 'return to full duties' documentation from physician. Even though you aren't crazy about DON, perhaps ...
  2. Terminating a contract/Buyout contract

    I concur with justbeachy about needing a lawyer if you decide to go that route. I did a few years traveling and most agencies know how to state things within the contract so their butt is covered usually pr Is the $48/hour include housing stipend &...
  3. Caregiver taking naked picture of patient

    OP, just checking in to see if there were/are any developments since your original post? I sometimes forget to check back in on posts. When I saw your post come up to newest posts, I wanted to check in and see if anything had changed (good or bad)...
  4. Ditto. I have no idea if this would be the reality anywhere, but could you your nursing school and see if they have any connections, that might benefit you? Maybe one of your instructors would be willing to help you out and allow you to review sk...
  5. Drug urine test after 12 hour shift

    So glad you got the negative report... Seems the majority of the actions taken by employer were utterly ridiculous; This has got to be one of the most ridiculous I have heard of. Kudos for you handling it so well. And the COC #'s are different??? ...
  6. Weird meeting with manager

    It sounds like there are quite a few other staff who are having similar/the same issues as you've stated in OP. management should take notice & try some interventions to aide the staff. There seem to be quite a few programs not being as user-fr...
  7. What About my License?

    I've never been in your shoes, and maybe after a long career, such as yours, and knowing for a fact that I would never return to nursing, I'd go with inactive status. My theory on this and pretty much, anything in life: It's better to have it an...
  8. Need Lawyer for Texas BON.

    I think mine was about 9 months. But every state and BON is/are not the same. You said your home state is Mississippi, but Texas is where the crime occurred. I am not sure if these 2 states accept the same, licensing-wise. I think most contracts/...
  9. Any Colorado nurses that can give advice?

    I don't know anything about CO, Sorry on that end. Are you visiting Denver, before the actual move? Just to iron logistics and all that fun stuff out prior to moving? Some won't even set up interviews unless you have your RN. Networking is always...
  10. Caregiver taking naked picture of patient

    What rationale did the photographer use when nurse inquired him/her? If family member was not aware of the 'no pics' rule, maybe re-education is a good place to start... Unless it was for a legitimate reason (few & very far be-tween) I'd start g...
  11. what is the legal term of this matter?

    The nurse who wouldn't give PRN meds - negligent, lacking sympathy (not really a legal term), Is there a reason that nurse wouldn't give these PRN meds? As another poster stated above, there is a plethora of situations when certain medications shou...
  12. Observed Urine Screens

    Mine have always been 'direct observation'. And I just assumed that all programs required observation. oops...
  13. Any Mass jobs that are Probation Friendly

    I know not all states have an alternative to discipline program but the majority do. At least in PA (where I am) you can sign a contract with the nurse assistance program and if you complete it successfully, there will be no permanent marks on your ...
  14. Drug diversion

    First things first: have you contacted an attorney regarding the diversion? That seems to be the #1 answer to such questions/discussions. Every state is different, the court system may have small differences, etc. An administrative attorney with e...
  15. Go Fund Me for Co-workers?

    Glad to know I'm not the only negative nellie on GFM. If the issue is beyond the benefactors control (illness, car crash etc) then I feel more comfortable donating. Usually in the form of groceries/services offered in person. But it's so hard ...
  16. Suboxone treatment

    It seems there might be a few details left out, as another already mentioned. The board is not your friend, no matter what they say and how big their smile when you agree with them. I do not know what an ORSA report is. Is it similar to the Nation...
  17. Have you completed PNAP?

    Congrats on almost being done!!! I know some nurses in my healthcare providers group have successfully completed. If I understood correctly, the contract start date is NOT the date you signed & mailed contract in. Rather, you're start and compl...
  18. Job interview ethics...

    I would probably re-apply to the new posting. Or simply email, call, or visit HR and politely reiterate you are still very interested in the position. I doubt HR could confirm if another candidate backed out after your interviews, but might be able...
  19. Advice please

    I am honestly curious... Would this really be a violation? If patient wanted privacy from family while you're administering medications, patient could have asked for 10 minutes privacy. If I'm visiting family/friends in hospital, I always ask if th...
  20. HELP - falsely accused for diversion of meds

    I'm 99% certain that the 'prosecution' or accusing side must provide copies of any & all evidence pertaining to your case. You're attorney would be able to get them with no problem. It's pretty crappy that you yourself, cannot get copies of inv...
  21. CA RN Probation Program Drug testing

    A few months back, my therapist for monitoring program gave me a copy of seemingly any & everything that could result in a positive screen. It is quite large, but they break down EVERY scent of bath & body shower gel, mist, cream, etc. I am n...
  22. Bad reference from manager?

    Took the words right out of my mouth. I'm also wondering if maybe the geographic location is producing more qualified candidates in one city or the other? I wouldn't waste time & over analyze everything about your interview because you weren'...
  23. Unsure what to do

    WOW. You said you were just in an empty room, versus being a patient in the ER. Did a doctor see you? Who wrote the order for fluid? I'm sort of assuming your colleagues offered to give you fluid, placed the IV etc. without being seen as a patient...
  24. Terminated from second job, interview advice please!

    If I knew from my reference they received a call, I'd think that's a good sign. They aren't going to waste time by calling references when your resume is on the 'definite No' pile. If you allow the prospective employer to contact old employer, I bel...
  25. Is it appropriate to ask for time off during an interview?

    I think of all the nursing interviews I've had, and they all inquired about 'needing time off for prior plans", toward the end of interview. I remember being somewhat shocked, that every interviewer posed the question. if they have many candidates ...