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All Content by Herrington

  1. UTHSCSA Traditional BSN Application Fall 15

    Pretty much this. Look for a little blue circle with a white "i" in it. Hover over it or click on it and it'll pop up a little box that lists all of your college's transcripts, whether they've arrived (the check circle will turn green if they have)...
  2. UTHSCSA Traditional BSN Application Fall 15

    Oh, nice! Ok then, I may just call them tomorrow and see if I get the same help! lol EDIT: Nevermind, NursingCAS isn't opened tomorrow, haha. And you meant the school will be checking everyday or NursingCAS?
  3. UTHSCSA Traditional BSN Application Fall 15

    Hmm, I'm not sure, but that would make sense if that's the reason. I went out to the school and asked them my question, but they said that it's something that I'd have to contact NursingCAS themselves about, which I guess I'll see about doing this n...
  4. UTHSCSA Traditional BSN Application Fall 15

    I submitted and paid for mine at the same time, on the 17th of this month.
  5. UTHSCSA Traditional BSN Application Fall 15

    Mine's been sitting on "Verifying" since I submitted it too. But it lists that all my transcripts have "arrived". I'm going to see about going out there tomorrow and ask if, should our application kick back with an error, that will affect our getti...
  6. UTHSCSA Traditional BSN Application Fall 15

    Yea, I distinctly recall one question on the exam that wasn't in the ATI study manual...though, it was a pretty easy question (even though I had 2 minutes left in the section to hurry up and do it). I just submitted my NursingCAS application, so now ...
  7. UTHSCSA Traditional BSN Application Fall 15

    I just got an email from NursingCAS saying they got my last transcript(s), so I'll be going over everything one last time tonight/tomorrow, then submit it in the next day or two. I just hope it doesn't kick back with an error or something; that woul...
  8. Going into nursing school without any experience?

    Well, volunteering is free...or, it usually is (I don't know of anywhere where it "costs" to be a volunteer). You probably wouldn't be allowed to do the same things as a CNA, but you'd still be able to familiarize yourself with the healthcare enviro...
  9. UTHSCSA Traditional BSN Application Fall 15

    Thanks! Yea, I had gone over to the school last week and asked the lady at the desk, and she told me that when you register, there's an option to have your scores sent to your choice of schools. When I went to do so, I saw the UTHSCSA listed there....
  10. UTHSCSA Traditional BSN Application Fall 15

    Well, took my TEAS yesterday, and I just got an email saying that the results were sent to the school, and that the results are ready. Adjusted Individual Total Score: 89.3% Reading: 88.1% Mathematics: 86.7% Science: 91.7% English and Language Us...
  11. UTHSCSA Traditional BSN Application Fall 15

    (Sorry for the double post in advance...) By the way, I went digging for last year's thread for Fall of 2014, here, for those who want to go through it and see if any questions they have might be answered in there. One thing I was wondering was how ...
  12. UTHSCSA Traditional BSN Application Fall 15

    I'm submitting mine sometime next week after my last 2 transcripts are taken care of. I would have done it earlier, and I had asked here about it in the last page or so, but the campuses are all closed until Monday (drove all the way out there and t...
  13. Retaking A Course

    I would check to see how the nursing schools you are applying to handle re-take courses and their grades. Some will take the higher of the 2 grades, while there are others that will average the 2 grades out. If they do the latter, I'm not sure it'd...
  14. UTHSCSA Traditional BSN Application Fall 15

    Awesome, thanks for the info! I was caught up in doing stuff at University (hospital) today so I wasn't able to go out to SAC and NVC to get my transcript forms turned in, so I'll have to do that Monday, but once those are received, I'll be ready to...
  15. A&P I by 1st time A&P Teacher?

    I think that when I took A&P, my professor was teaching it for either the first or second time, so I was in a similar situation (his masters was in Zoology, but he had taught med students some of their classes before, so he had some extent of kno...
  16. UTHSCSA Traditional BSN Application Fall 15

    Tomorrow, I'll be half way done with my study book for the TEAS (got just a little bit left with the math part). A lot of this stuff I remember from grade school. Some of it I'm trying to recall, as we can't use a calculator, so I'm having to try a...
  17. How did you do this semester?

    Chem II - A Microbiology - A This was my last semester for pre-reqs, and I'm studying my TEAS book now, as I need to apply by Feb. 1.
  18. Anatomy

    There's a lot of straight up memorization involved with A&P (bones, muscles, arteries, veins, etc.), along with understanding how everything works together which can prove to be a challenge. I took both of mine during regular 16-week semesters w...
  19. How do prerequisites work?

    Pre-requisite courses are almost always taken before you start nursing school (though there are cases where people take a few of the last ones during their first semester of nursing school proper, which, to me, seems a bit much, but there may be no a...
  20. Elective courses

    I'm just applying to one program. I know a number of the faculty as their other roles (some have been my doctors for several years and other healthcare providers who are also professors/assistant professors/other faculty), who have said that they ar...
  21. Elective courses

    This is going to be my last semester of pre-req courses, then I can apply. However, I am still going to take 3 more classes in the Spring that I think might come in handy in the future. They are Medical Terminology, First Aid, and an intro Spanish ...
  22. UTHSCSA Spring 2016

    While I'm not in the program at the moment, I am finishing up this semester and will be taking the TEAS soon and then applying for Fall of 2015. Mind that the deadline for applications is February 1 for that class, and that you will have to have all...
  23. UTHSCSA Traditional BSN Application Fall 15

    Well, I've got all but 2 of my transcripts submitted to NursingCAS. I still need this semesters classes (Microbiology at SAC, and Intro Chem II at NVC), but I'm going to get those sent out maybe a week after the semester is over. Are you guys taking...
  24. Suggestions nursing school! please help!!

    Well, from what I've seen on this forum and elsewhere, California (and New York, I think) is a state whose nursing schools are substantially more competitive than other states. I would do some serious research about the school in California you were...
  25. Hello nursing students

    I'm not in Arizona, but when I went to an information session for the nursing school I hope to attend, a group of current students got up in front of the class and offered a bit of experience-related information. They said that one class you are enc...