

UR/CM, Managed Care

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All Content by PrismRN

  1. Grand Canyon RN-BSN

    I too had difficulty with this because I'm from Old School and I'd never even heard that term (wellness dx). Like tokmom I googled it. My understanding of the Wellness Dx was that you identify something that they want to improve based on positive, pr...
  2. Grand Canyon RN-BSN

    I think I remember one or more of them being about library/article search tips, which was handy because not only did I learn things I did not know but it made for easy replies "Thank you, this is great information, yada yada, I'm going to try this no...
  3. Grand Canyon RN-BSN

    No such thing as off topic here I've never heard of that class... The closest thing I've had to what that sounds like was Trends and Issues in Health Care?
  4. Grand Canyon University RN to BSN Reviews

    I'd end up with comments from the instructor that my posts "furthered the conversation", so got kudos for that, when in reality my process was for my own benefit in saving time. Yes, use one article (or the e-book), swipe a few tidbits, and post away...
  5. Grand Canyon University RN to BSN Reviews

    One more thing regarding the DQ replies & the timing in which they are posted. If you DO have an instructor that wants you "present and accounted for" on more than those 3 days of the week, here's what I did: Monday evening I'd read through ever...
  6. Grand Canyon University RN to BSN Reviews

    :hrns&wlcm: I would get that clarified & straightened out ASAP. If it was on your original itinerary, chances are you do need it and it was some computer snafu that dropped it off your lineup. You don't want to get to the end and have a su...
  7. Grand Canyon University RN to BSN Reviews

    :ancong!: :w00t:
  8. Grand Canyon University RN to BSN Reviews

    I feel ya, that's one of the beauties of this program - nothing lasts longer than 5 weeks. I remember a phrase my most favorite aunt said to me one time (not about school, but it applies): "I can do that, hell, I can stand on my head for _____ (inse...
  9. Grand Canyon RN-BSN

    I know, all I can do about it laugh I guess... water under the bridge, man, water under the bridge. Woulda been handy though! :Emoticon-Devil:
  10. Grand Canyon RN-BSN

    I wish I could totally cuss on this website!! REALLY?? This would have been useful information for, oh, I dunno, my entire program?!? I never knew this existed (mines' in the upper left hand corner), I just tried it, typed in "industry vs. inferiorit...
  11. Grand Canyon RN-BSN

    It's just rude. The above ridiculous unhelpful comment is 7 words. Would it kill her to use these 7 words instead? "Try other books on our available list"
  12. Grand Canyon RN-BSN

  13. Grand Canyon RN-BSN

    Just saw Winter walking across the stage on the commencement video from tonight! WooHOOOOO! :anpom::ancong!:
  14. Grand Canyon RN-BSN

    I think you're overthinking this (welcome to the club, btw ) Use the book for the class, it's all in there, it's the only reference I used. Mine was 7th edition (health promotion through the lifespan), but I just updated my booklist and there is a ne...
  15. Grand Canyon RN-BSN

    I could be wrong, but I wouldn't worry about labeling yourself as a troublemaker. The Univ is so giant and there are so many zillions of students and instructors, I doubt that (in the flurry that is online learning) anyone would recognize your name f...
  16. Grand Canyon RN-BSN

    It's coming! Only 2.5 weeks away! I think I actually did sleep for a whole week (not counting refreshing LC q5 minutes to see if my final grade was posted yet, of course). After THAT you will indeed sleep like a baby!!! :sleep: ZZzzzz......
  17. Grand Canyon RN-BSN

    Maybe they recognized your name too... Everybody deserves at least ONE in the program! (I only had 1 good one) Congratulations!
  18. Grand Canyon University RN to BSN Reviews

    Excellent advice. Historically, the assignment descriptions/rubrics tend to be unclear, so it is best to read through it early in the week so you can clarify. Also, by then, other students have figured out that it doesn't make any sense and have prob...
  19. Grand Canyon University RN to BSN Reviews

    I wonder if they have changed this class too? I just read my assignment description and rubric for this 1st week's assignment, and we only had to include 3 articles, not 6. The problem I had with this assignment is that my instructor decided that we...
  20. Grand Canyon University RN to BSN Reviews

    Hi mommao, way to plan ahead! (I didn't, despite tokmom's warnings...) There are a couple of us CMs on here, and, well, there isn't much exciting I could come up with either because our main job these days is reducing readmits through efficient DCP (...
  21. Grand Canyon University RN to BSN Reviews

    This will rear its ugly head until your very last class and very last DQ. The sooner you let go of expecting the same quality of work from others that you turn in, the happier you will be. These assignments are posted on day #1, so there's no excu...
  22. Grand Canyon University RN to BSN Reviews

    Ethics not only has a CLC, it is a 2-parter (or at least it was when I took it). For me, it was one of the worst as far as trying to get everyone on the same page. The only bummer in taking hold and presenting oneself in the beginning as the Organiz...
  23. Grand Canyon RN-BSN

    1. One always tends to remember traumatic experiences 2. Not yet, see #1.
  24. Grand Canyon RN-BSN

    I don't know why I was thinking this tonight, but I was, so I want to share. For all of you that are just starting, mid-way through, ¾ through, or almost done… and heading straight into that brick wall we all hit and want to just chuck it all… T...
  25. Grand Canyon RN-BSN

    ... and the age-appropriate walker, of course