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About morgan72312

I am 18 years old and just graduated from high school. I started CNA classes the week after i graduated and soon I will (hopefully) become a CNA and start work at LTC facility. I am going to go to college to get my ASN then transfer to finish up and get my BSN.

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  1. Thank you all! I have been working there almost a month now, and I'm finally starting to get the hang of it:yes:. Still a little nervous
  2. How To Get Ahead In Nursing?

    Thanks everyone for all your advice! Also, maybe I should have clarified more, the facility i work at is both rehab and ltc, but is transitioning to all rehab. At the moment we only have one hall that...
  3. How To Get Ahead In Nursing?

    Hi all!! I am new to posting on here, so please forgive me if this isn't in the right section, or has already been addressed. I finished my CNA classes in the beginning of July and now have a job at a...
  4. I took my CNA exam today, and thankfully passed! I also got my first job at a nursing home! I only have my clinical experience, so I was just wondering if anybody had any advice about the real world...